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Criado por Holly Berry
mais de 10 anos atrás
_____ emphasize the highest good for the greatest number.
_____ concluded that all of our knowledge comes from experience.
_____ asserted that reason lends to us certain clear and distinct, innate ideas.
_____ _____ claim that pursuit of one's own interests is what constitutes the true good.
____ is the way of reason, asserting that at least some of our knowledge can be acquired apart from the senses.
_____ is the way of experience, explaining that all of our knowledge comes from experience.
_____ emphasized the categorical imperative as duty for duty's sake.
_____ assert that what is right in one place or time may be wrong in another.
_____ say that there is but one eternally true and valid moral code for all.
_____ emphasized use of the happiness calculus to determine the total good of a choice.
_____ is a powerful third party peacekeeper to establish and maintain order in society.
Locke and Rousseau's social contracts are _____.
Plato's idea of justice is _____.
Aristotle's idea of justice is _____.
Locke allowed for probability or degrees of assent, thereby using _____ reasoning.
Bill is a Hedonist. Which of the following would Bill find to be intrinsically good?
Aristotle argues that happiness is the ultimate end because _____.
(T or F) Descartes looked to mathematics as a model of the method to arrive at the truth.
Kant agreed with Hume that all our knowledge begins with and arises out of experience.
Aristotle asserts that the state is _____ for the individual.
The _____ _____ determines individual behavior based on what ought to be universal law.
(T or F) Deontology is doing good in order to achieve some other, possibly greater, good.
The teleological suspension of the ethical is a twist on the _____ _____.
Protagoras said that "a man is a _____ of all _____."
Locke rejected the notion of _____.
Marx was influenced by Hegel's _____ _____ in his formation of socialism.
Someone following Bentham's advice would have to take into account the intensity, duration and certainty or uncertainty of _____ or _____ resulting from an action
According to Berkeley, truth exists _____ the mind as an _____ reality.
Hume believed causality was meaningless, due to lack of _____.
_____ is the ability to think and decide for one's self.
For Plato, the guardian class rules the state out of the _____ of _____.
Ethical egoism asserts that one should pursue the _____ good of all men.
_____ _____ claims that ethics is meaningless due to lack of empirical evidence.
Kant would say that morality must be based on _____, not feelings.
______ purported that laws of nature are primary to human-created laws.
Bentham's principle of _____ says one should act always to promote the greatest good for the greatest number.
According to Kant, for a man to be _____ he must believe in some universal moral code.
Nietzsche said that "a tablet of _____ hangs over every people."
Rousseau said "Man is _____ free and everywhere he is in _____."
Descartes' _____ _____ _____ is best translated to mean "I think, therefore I am."
Kierkegaard illustrated true good in the faith-fueled actions of _____ in Genesis.
Liebniz said our senses only serve as _____ of what we already know innately.
Locke's concept of tabula rasa is best translated to mean "_____ _____."
_____ is the immediate knowledge of something innate.
According to Plato, knowledge is more _____ than learning something for the first time.
_____ ethics is recognizing how behavior ought to be rather than simply how it is.
_____, according to Aristotle, is the means between two extremes of an emotion or action.
Ayn Rand states that _____ discourages us from fulfilling our greatest potential.
Natural law proponents like Aquinas believe morality comes from the _____.
Plato's Republic claims that the _____ should be the ruler of the republic.