Hallie Hughes
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Quiz sobre SHRM-CP/SCP, criado por Hallie Hughes em 20-03-2019.

Hallie Hughes
Criado por Hallie Hughes mais de 5 anos atrás


Questão 1 de 148


In general, which employee is most likely to have developed a global mindset?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • An employee who has learned another language

  • An employee who is deeply motivated to work in another country

  • An employee who has completed cultural diversity courses the employer offers

  • An employee who spent time throughout her education in programs abroad


Questão 2 de 148


What graphic data analysis tool shows possible relationships between two variables?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Flowchart

  • Scatter diagram

  • Pareto chart


Questão 3 de 148


What is the weighted average of the following salaries?
$20,000 (2 incumbents)
$30,000 (1 incumbent)
$35,000 (2 incumbents)
$40,000 (1 incumbent)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • $25,000

  • $30,000

  • $31,250

  • $35,000


Questão 4 de 148


What is the best way for an HR professional to persuade a function to embrace changes in work processes that are part of an organizational effectiveness intervention?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Present evidence that disruption will be only temporary.

  • Show how these are standard procedures at other organizations.

  • Explain that the function's credibility with management depends on accepting these changes.

  • Present the changes as necessary to maintaining competitiveness


Questão 5 de 148


HR is recruiting for a job that requires a high degree of accuracy. A mistake made by a worker could be dangerous and costly. What feature would be most important in a pre-employment test for this position?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • High validity

  • High reliability

  • Environmental factors in the testing environment

  • Fairness evidence for protected groups


Questão 6 de 148


What is the term for a cultural vision that holds that there are no absolutes and everything is based on the situation?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Determinism

  • Ethnocentrism

  • Parochialism

  • Relativism


Questão 7 de 148


Which definition best describes the concept of a stakeholder?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A stakeholder has a legally defined or contractual relationship with a firm.

  • l management team.

  • A stakeholder is anyone who shares in the value of an organization and its activities

  • A stakeholder owns a financial interest in a venture


Questão 8 de 148


If you were trying to show the relationship between employees' formal education and job performance ratings, what data analysis tool would you use?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Pie chart

  • Scatter diagram

  • Pareto chart

  • Trend analysis


Questão 9 de 148


What is the correct positioning of an HR strategy?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It is concerned with only the people aspects of the organization.

  • It is a support unit of the corporate strategy.

  • It cascades from the organization's corporate strategy.

  • It is aligned with a cost management and profit focus.


Questão 10 de 148


What can be said about a customer service sales associate selection test that successfully measures essential job-related skills and abilities?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It is valid

  • It is reliable

  • It is statistically significant

  • It is legally compliant


Questão 11 de 148


An organization has chartered three cross-functional teams with representation from senior management, middle management, and employees. Each team has distinct goals that focus on different aspects of the customer experience. Every six weeks, the teams share their accomplishments. What approach to planning and implementing the change has the organization adopted?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cascade

  • Strategic

  • Progressive

  • Organic


Questão 12 de 148


What communication method is more likely to be favored by high-context cultures?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Written

  • E-mail

  • Face-to-face

  • Multimedia Presentations


Questão 13 de 148


When comparing wages within a group, the most frequently occurring wage is called the

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Mode

  • Average

  • Median

  • mode


Questão 14 de 148


What is an example of implicit culture?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Language

  • Pace of Life

  • Views toward power

  • Food


Questão 15 de 148


How is Porter's "Five Forces" framework used in developing strategies?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • To determine the cost-effectiveness of strategic initiatives

  • To assess the strength of various competitors in one's industry

  • To understand competitive industry factors that can shape strategy

  • To identify internal strengths and weaknesses


Questão 16 de 148


What is the primary purpose of strategic planning?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • To align organizational units and employees with business goals

  • To apply the results of financial forecasting to business goals

  • To allocate resources in a fair and consistent manner among units

  • To create a detailed project plan for the purposes of documenting control


Questão 17 de 148


What does the final stage of both Kurt Lewin's and John Kotter's models of change management involve?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Giving employees the necessary tools to implement the change

  • Addressing emotional effects on organizational members

  • Making the change part of the organization

  • Providing a clear sense of the future


Questão 18 de 148


An applicant scored in the 95th percentile on a job knowledge test. Because the interviewer questioned the results, the applicant was asked to retake the test. Again, the result was a very high score, and the applicant was hired. Three months later, it was determined that this new hire could not perform the job effectively. What can you conclude about the job knowledge test?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It was only reliable, not valid.

  • It had only content validity.

  • It had only criterion-related validity.

  • It had only construct validity


Questão 19 de 148


What is the basis of religious law?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Legislative acts

  • Regulatory directives

  • Beliefs and conventions

  • Court decisions


Questão 20 de 148


Which test most effectively identifies potential high-performing leaders in a collaborative work environment?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Psychomotor

  • Personality

  • Work sample

  • Emotional intelligence


Questão 21 de 148


Which hands-on training method best allows an onboarding manufacturing employee to practice his job in a risk-free setting?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Role play

  • Simulation

  • Apprenticeship

  • Team training


Questão 22 de 148


An HR manager has been asked to design a training program for the company. Which HR metric should be considered first in designing the program?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Average tenure of employees

  • Performance quality of one-year employees

  • Total costs for training

  • Percentage of employees with a career plan


Questão 23 de 148


A valued employee arrives 15 minutes late for work without explanation. Using the company's positive approach to discipline, which action should be taken to course-correct the employee’s tardiness?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Verbal caution

  • Final warning

  • Written reprimand

  • Counseling


Questão 24 de 148


An HR director believes it is important that managers take more responsibility for performance appraisals. Which responsibility should the HR director assign specifically to the managers?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Design appraisal system

  • Track timely receipt of appraisals

  • Identify development areas

  • Train staff to use performance system


Questão 25 de 148


Which is a significant benefit of recruiting from internal sources?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Minimizes inflated expectations about the job

  • Employees will all be of the existing mindset

  • Provides a continuous pool of applicants

  • Innovation increases with each infusion of new talent


Questão 26 de 148


Which incentive plan is most likely to cause frustration to higher-performing employees?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Behavioral encouragement

  • Piecework

  • Gain sharing

  • Profit sharing


Questão 27 de 148


Which is the best way to address the lack of diversity within organizational units?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Consult legal to mitigate discrimination claims in hiring

  • Implement incentives to employees for candidate referrals.

  • Confirm that recruiters incorporate diversity policy into the recruitment process.

  • Develop a diversity initiative with targeted hiring objectives.


Questão 28 de 148


Which measure shows how much more valuable an organization has become because of its investment in human capital?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Human capital return on investment

  • Human economic value added

  • Human capital value added

  • Return on investment


Questão 29 de 148


The two primary dimensions of behavioral theories of leadership are

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • intelligence and task-relevant knowledge

  • consideration and self-confidence

  • consideration and initiating structure

  • initiating structure and intelligence


Questão 30 de 148


Which statement exemplifies Hersey-Blanchard's situational leadership theory?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A leader's style must change over time as individuals develop and require a different type of direction and leadership

  • Leaders don't need personal relationships with mentors to learn from them

  • Leaders need to be charismatic because employees dislike rigid controls and inherently want to accomplish something

  • A team leader is one equally concerned with people and production (task) to a maximum degree


Questão 31 de 148


In the contingency theory of leadership, which is the term for the degree of confidence, trust, and respect that followers have in their leader

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Task structure

  • Position power

  • Situational faorableness

  • Leader-member relations


Questão 32 de 148


Which trait is not desirable in a leader in any culture?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Affability

  • Dependability

  • Win-Win mentality

  • Loner


Questão 33 de 148


A leader of function tries to influence her staff's satisfaction and productivity by being friendly and asking questions about their non-work lives. What type of power is she using?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Legitimate

  • Expert

  • Reward

  • Referent


Questão 34 de 148


Which of the four branches of emotional intelligence is described as the ability to capitalize on feelings to promote and inform decision making, problem solving, and other cognitive activities?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Perceiving emotion

  • Using emotion to facilitate thought

  • Understanding emotion

  • Regulating emotion


Questão 35 de 148


Which motivation theory appeals to an employee's need for achievement?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Three need theory

  • Theory Y

  • Herzberg's theory

  • Attribution theory


Questão 36 de 148


What is the Expectancy Theory?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Efforts increases in relation to one's confidence that the behavior will result in a positive outcome and reward

  • Individuals are motivated by basic needs within a social and cultural context

  • individuals are motivated by a desire to satisfy certain needs


Questão 37 de 148


What are the basic categories of needs of Maslow Theory, that must be met in an ascending order?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Achievement, Affiliation, Power

  • Physiological, Safety and security, Belonging and love, Esteem, and Self-actualization

  • Stability, locus of control, controllable,


Questão 38 de 148


What practice illustrates transparency?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Sharing personal information with fellow staff members

  • Publicizing criteria for access to development opportunties

  • Involving all staff members in tactical decisions

  • Supporting promotions decisions with specific examples


Questão 39 de 148


A manger is asked by a senior manager to select an employee who has been mentored by the senior manager. This employee was not the manager's first choice for the job. What would be the most useful question for the manager to ask in sorting out the ethical implications of this action?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Am I sure about my assessments of the candidates' abilities

  • What would be peers think of me if I changed my mind

  • Is this fair to everyone involved

  • Is this really an ethical question


Questão 40 de 148


Which is the term for the proposition that ethical behavior is determined by local culture, laws, and business practices?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Ethical universalism

  • Multiculturalism

  • Laissez-fair ethics

  • Cultural relativism


Questão 41 de 148


A manger notices that two employees are having a debate regarding a project's management. Although they both agree that the current way the project is being managed is incorrect, they have two completely different views as to what the solution is, and both are determined to implement their solution. The manager recognizes that there could be value in both of the proposed solutions and suggests that a hybrid of the two could be used. What mode of conflict is being used?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Accommodate

  • Assert

  • Avoid

  • Collaborate


Questão 42 de 148


What is the process where two or more parties work together to reach an agreement on a matter?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Negotiation

  • Strategic planning

  • Performance evaluation

  • Meeting of the minds


Questão 43 de 148


Which form of negotiation is most consistent with the leadership characteristics found to be effective in global settings?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Soft

  • Hard

  • Principled

  • Collaborative


Questão 44 de 148


What would be the best advice for an HR manager presenting a complex analysis of workforce needs and recommendations to a leadership group?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Make sure all data is included in slides

  • Practice

  • Frame the information

  • Let the audience draw their own conclusions


Questão 45 de 148


A manager wants to explain to an ambitious employee that she will not be receiving a promotion and why she did not get the job. What would be the best form of communication to use in this case?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Phone call

  • E-Mail

  • Private, face-to-face conversation

  • Text


Questão 46 de 148


An HR manager tells a staff member how to deliver quality customer service to internal customers. Although the staff member paraphrases the coaching advice and seems to understand it, the manger still receives negative comments from other functions who work with this staff member. How could this communication be improved?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Repeat the message until the performance is improved

  • Confirm understanding by observing actual performance

  • Try writing out the directions for the staff member

  • Ask the staff member directly if there is another issue causing this performance


Questão 47 de 148


What is a global mindset?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The ability to encourage others with diverse backgrounds to see one's own perspective as the correct one

  • The ability to learn other languages

  • The belief that all other cultures and identity groups are really no different from one's own

  • The ability to take an international, multidimensional perspective that is inclusive of other cultures, perspectives, and views


Questão 48 de 148


What is the term for a set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors shared by members of a large group and passed won from one generation to the next?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Global mindset

  • Culture

  • Assimilation

  • Globalization


Questão 49 de 148


What cultural layer is exemplified by the pasta dishes that are unique to Italy?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Norms and values

  • Basic assumptions

  • Artifacts and products

  • Implicit culture


Questão 50 de 148


How would Hofstede label a culture that is nurturing, empathetic, and oriented toward quality of life and that strives for consensus?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • High feminine

  • High uncertainty avoidance

  • High individualism

  • High power distance


Questão 51 de 148


How would Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner label a culture in which individuals express their emotions freely?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Particular

  • Synchronic

  • Affective

  • External


Questão 52 de 148


What challenge to effective cross-cultural communication is faced by an organization that believes that their way is the best way and who lack interest in other ways of reaching a goal?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cultural sterotyping

  • Cultural determinism

  • Cultural relativism

  • Cultural ethnocentrism


Questão 53 de 148


What are the three main types of world legal systems?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Civil, criminal, corporate

  • Written, oral, transcribed

  • Civil, common, religious

  • Legislative, judicial, executive


Questão 54 de 148


Which system of law is the most prevalent in the world?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Common law

  • Corporate law

  • Civil law

  • Criminal law


Questão 55 de 148


Which world legal system is based primarily on legal precedent?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Common law

  • Civil law

  • Religious law

  • Criminal law


Questão 56 de 148


What is the term for the concept that laws are to be enforced only through accepted, codified procedures?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Rule of law

  • Due process

  • Conflict of law

  • Jurisdiction


Questão 57 de 148


What is the term for the right of a legal body to exert authority over a given geographical territory, subject matter, or persons or institutions?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Rule of law

  • Due process

  • Conflict of law

  • Jurisdiction


Questão 58 de 148


What is extraterritoriality?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Binding agreements among nations as to where trade may be conducted and under what conditions

  • An extensions of the power of a multinational regional organization over the national laws of its members

  • Reciprocal agreements entered into by two or more nations regarding employment related issues

  • An extensions of the power of a country's laws over its citizens outside that country's sovereign national boundaries


Questão 59 de 148


How are the concepts of value and the value chain related to strategy?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Value points to economic metrics that can be used to measure strategic success

  • Value chain analysis identifies areas critical to strategic success

  • The value chain defines what is important for the organization's stakeholders

  • The concepts relate primarily for-profit enterprises


Questão 60 de 148


The focus of strategic planning is on goals and how they will be achieved. What is the focus of strategic management?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • How leaders act in alignment with those goals

  • Tracking allocation of resources toward strategic goals

  • Identifying future talent

  • Satisfying stakeholders


Questão 61 de 148


What is the key benefit of developing consistent, Long-term goals?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It shows the interaction of planning, people, and process to achieve goals

  • It separates strategic intentions from the effects of organizational culture

  • It decreases the influence of external factors

  • It reduces resources wasted on nonstrategic activities


Questão 62 de 148


What type of organizational activity is most likely to succeed in the strategic planning and management processes

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Strategies are developed by the functions with little involvement of senior management

  • Senior management develops a high-level strategy intended solely for publication in the annual report

  • HR is asked to analyze current competencies against a proposed strategy

  • Function leaders make well-reasoned strategic decisions based on their operational needs


Questão 63 de 148


A firm manufactures glass used in commercial building projects. Their advantage lies in the variety of their offerings and the technologies they use. However, other firms can take business from them by offering similar products with different technologies. Which of Porter's
"Five Forces" does this illustrate?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Threat of substitution

  • Threat of entry

  • Bargaining power of suppliers

  • Bargaining power of buyers


Questão 64 de 148


What is a business case?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cost-benefit analysis of a business concept

  • Market research into acceptability of new service or product

  • Scenario-based test of a business plan

  • Analysis of a problem and of possible solutions


Questão 65 de 148


When would a return on investment (ROI) analysis be an effective metric?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • An organization wants to compare its productivity with that of similar competitors

  • A function is seeking information about a company's financial performance

  • An HR function wants to confirm that it is complying with legal and regulatory requirements

  • An investor is seeking information about a company's financial performance


Questão 66 de 148


What is debt to asset (formula: total liabilities/ total assets)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • leverage ration reflecting the amount of exposure to risk from debt that an organization has assumed

  • leverage ration reflecting how an organization is funding its growth

  • Activity ratio that measures the efficiency of debt collection


Questão 67 de 148


What is accounts receivable turnover (formula: Net credit sales/ average accounts receivable)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • liquidity ratio that indicates level of working capital

  • profitability ratio showing the percentage of total sales revenue after incurring the direct costs of producing goods and services sold

  • activity ratio that measures the efficiency of debt collection


Questão 68 de 148


What is gross margin (formula: total sales - cost of goods sold / total sales)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • profitability ratio showing the percentage of total sales revenue after incurring direct costs of producing goods and services sold

  • leverage ratio reflecting how an organization is funding its growth

  • liquidity ratio that indicates level of working capital


Questão 69 de 148


What is a value chain?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the process by which an organization creates the product or service it offers to a customer

  • can be defined and measured differently

  • multiple organizations producing parts of a good or service across geographical regions

  • strategy provides guidepost throughout the organization, from top to bottom.


Questão 70 de 148


what are the primary activities of a value chain

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • management, finance, legal

  • Supply management, HR management, Technology

  • R&D, operations, marketing and sales, fulfillment, customers

  • Growth, maturity, renewal, no growth, decline


Questão 71 de 148


What are the benefits of strategy

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • effectiveness, Efficiency, impacts, better competitive

  • bled of awareness, mindful of all stakeholders, measures everything

  • taking shortcuts, sufficient involvement of the rest of the organization, adequate communication, better internal vision

  • consistent long-term goals, decision making by leaders, better competitive and external vision, better internal vision


Questão 72 de 148


what are the three levels of strategy

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Organizational strategy, Business unit strategies, and operational strategy

  • Performance strategy, organization strategy, competitive strategy

  • Business unit strategies, internal strategies, competitive strategy


Questão 73 de 148


What is the organizational strategy

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • address questions of how and where the organization will focus to create value

  • reflects the way in which organizational and business unit strategies are translated into action at the functional level through functional strategies

  • reflects on the measuring performance that helps organizations determine whether strategic initiatives have been implemented as planed

  • focuses on the future of the organization as a single unit, a general vision of the future it seeks the long-term goals


Questão 74 de 148


What is a business unit strategy

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • address question of how ans where the organization will focus to create value

  • focuses on the future of the organization as a single unit

  • focuses on the measuring the operations in different functional units

  • Investment in the initiative benefits to the organization


Questão 75 de 148


what is an operational strategy

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • focuses on the future of the organization as a single unit

  • all policies, programs, and process repeated at each strategic level

  • reflects the way in which organizational and business unit strategies are translated into action at the functional level through functional strategies

  • address questions of how ans where the organization will focus to create value


Questão 76 de 148


What does key performance indicators (KPIs) do?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • result in wasting fewer resources on activities

  • help organizations make the right measurements, measures of performance used to gauge progress toward strategic objectives or agreed standards of performance

  • results in achieving competitive advantage by being superior indicator

  • helps organizations focus on performance that supports strategic goals by measuring activities that are relevant to the organization's future growth


Questão 77 de 148


What are effective ways to measure performance

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • focus on performance that supports strategic goals, blend awareness of past, present, and future performance in creating objectives, be mindful of all stakeholders, reexamine what you're measuring regularly

  • take shortcuts, little follow-through, overreliance on the comfortable and familiar, insufficient commitment, insufficient involvement of the rest of the organization, and inadequate communication


Questão 78 de 148


What is the stakeholder concept

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • proposes that any organization operates within a complex environment in which it affects and is affected by variety of forces or stakeholders who all share in the value of the organizations and its activities

  • finding the most time and cost effective processes to achieve operations that affect the functions in strategic performance

  • decision making at all levels and in all parts of the organization

  • Objectives that only value the organization and its activities in long term goals to maximize profits


Questão 79 de 148


what are the parts of a stakeholder concept

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • supply management, customers, legal, HR management,finance, marketing and sales, trade associations

  • Finance, operations, R&D, investors, political groups, suppliers, customers, supply management, employees

  • Trade associations, investors, governments, political groups, customers, employees, suppliers, communities


Questão 80 de 148


What are the three possible outcomes of a life cycle concept in order by revenue and time

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Introduction, maturity, growth, renewal, no growth, decline

  • Introduction, growth, maturity, renewal, no growth, decline

  • growth, maturity, introduction, renewal, decline, no growth

  • decline, no growth, growth, renewal, maturity, introduction


Questão 81 de 148


What is the introduction stage in the life cycle concept

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Revenue is low because there is little market awareness and because of the market's resistance to change

  • Revenue is high because there is more market awareness and because of the market's readiness to change

  • revenue is low because there is more market awareness and because of the market's resistance to change


Questão 82 de 148


What is the growth stage of the life cycle concept

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • as time process, revenue tends to decrease, the rate of growth (curve) will be vary by new industry, products, services

  • as time decreases, revenue begins to increase, the rate of growth (curve) will decrease by industry, enterprise, or product

  • as time process, revenue begins to increase, the rate of growth (curve) will vary by industry, enterprise, or product


Questão 83 de 148


what is the maturity stage in the life cycle concept

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The market is not saturated and growth occurs only through renewal of the new industry

  • The market is saturated and growth occurs only through introduction of new products or customer groups

  • The market is saturated and growth occurs when time and revenue are constant with each other


Questão 84 de 148


what is the renewal/ no growth/ decline stage in the life cycle concept

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • when revenue and time decreases because of the supply and demand of the market decreases

  • Eventually demand will decrease, either because the need no longer exists or it is satisfied more effectively something or someone new

  • Suddenly demand decreases only because the need no longer exists

  • When revenue and time increases and demand can no longer match or satisfied the needs in time of the market change


Questão 85 de 148


What is the impact of maturity life cycle stage on HR strategy

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Building and retaining a productive workforce to meet a high level of demand

  • Delivering HR services with shrinking budget

  • Reducing the workforce size

  • reductions in workforce to right-size the organization as it rebuilds


Questão 86 de 148


What is the impact of renewal life cycle stage on HR strategy

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Reductions in workforce to right-size the organization as it rebuilds

  • dealing with increased turnover rate

  • establishing stable leadership through succession planning

  • helping the organization's members manage constant stress and workplace changes necessary to survive


Questão 87 de 148


What is the impact of no growth life cycle stage on HR strategy

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • maintaining engaged workforce with fewer resources

  • a streamlining of structures and policies

  • make sure that formalization does not make the organization less agile and innovative

  • modeling awareness of external influences


Questão 88 de 148


What is the impact of Decline life cycle stage on HR strategy

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • added responsibilities to job descriptions and remaining staff

  • consulting to other parts of the organization to solve problems that affect productivity

  • helping the organization's members manage constant stress and workplace changes necessary to survive

  • communication and reinforcing organizational culture in policies and practices


Questão 89 de 148


What is the Porter's five forces framework

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • introduction, growth, maturity, renewal, decline

  • consistent decision making, consistent long term goals, better competitive vision, better internal vision, better external vision

  • Threat of substitution, threat of entry, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, rivalry among competitors


Questão 90 de 148


What is an example of a Zero-based budgeting method

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Installing new computer equipment or providing training would increase the budge

  • A department would need to justify its entire budge and show how its funding helps the organization meet its goals

  • A government agency could experience a system wide 5% budget decrease, which would be spread among its units according to different percentages


Questão 91 de 148


what is an example of an Activity-based budgeting method

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • An organization asks functions what resources they will need to produce specific outputs or levels

  • Installing new computer equipment or providing trading would increase the budget

  • A department would need to justify its entire budge and show how its funding helps the organization meet its goals


Questão 92 de 148


most effective budgets are created in

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • an individual manner

  • HR management

  • a collaborative manner


Questão 93 de 148


The components of a business case

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Statement of need, recommended solution, risks and opportunities, estimated costs and time frame

  • Each unit is ranked, expenditures are justified, additional funds are requested

  • Examine allocate costs, manage unexpected threats and opportunities, communicate to HR leaders


Questão 94 de 148


What is business intelligence

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Allows analyst to gather facts, investigate alternatives, and consider risks

  • Allow analyst to foresee the estimates amounts of information that could provide in an event of an acquisition or merger

  • Allows analyst to retrieve timely, accurate, and complete data and transform that data into " actionable intelligence" that could be used to make organizational decisions

  • Allows analyst to approve and implement data that improves external environment actions


Questão 95 de 148


The relationship between assets, liabilities, and equity is represented by what balance sheet equation

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Liabilities+ equity or equity= assets- Liabilities

  • Assets= liabilities+ equity or equity= assets- liabilities

  • assets-liabilities=assets=liabilities + equity or equity


Questão 96 de 148


Any money entered as an asset is balanced by offsetting liabilities, to illustrate this consider that A company's buildings and land are valued in year 2 at $ 59,600,000. This asset is balanced by a note to a bank for 60% of its value, or $35,760,000. What is the remainder of the asset's value that is considered equity value

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • $23,840,000

  • $30,400,000

  • $24,000,000

  • $15,200,000


Questão 97 de 148


What a balance sheet

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Is one indicator of the organization's financial health, its assets, liabilities, and equity at a particular time

  • Compares revenues, expenses, and profits over a specified period of time

  • Represents what a company owes to either its owner(s) or its shareholders


Questão 98 de 148


what are assets

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Represents was a company owes to either its owner or its stakeholders

  • What an organization owns (tangible; cash, cash equivalents, inventory of finished product or materials, property, and equipment or intangible; copyrights and patents, proprietary knowledge)

  • What an organization owes ( rent, loans, or notes, tax debts, accounts payable, unpaid fines, wages and benefits that have been earned but not paid)


Questão 99 de 148


What are liabilities

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • What an organization owes ( rent, loans, or notes, tax debts, accounts payable, unpaid fines, wages and benefits that have been earned but not paid)

  • What an organization owns (tangible; cash, cash equivalents, inventory of finished product or materials, property, and equipment or intangible; copyrights and patents, proprietary knowledge)

  • Represents was a company owes to either its owner or its stakeholders


Questão 100 de 148


what is equity

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • What an organization owns (tangible; cash, cash equivalents, inventory of finished product or materials, property, and equipment or intangible; copyrights and patents, proprietary knowledge)

  • Is combined with liabilities in the balance sheet because it represents what a company owes to either its owner or its shareholder; what is left of a company's assets after its liabilities have been discharged

  • What an organization owes ( rent, loans, or notes, tax debts, accounts payable, unpaid fines, wages and benefits that have been earned but not paid)


Questão 101 de 148


what is accounts receivable

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The money an organization's customer owe the organization

  • The money an organization owes its vendors and suppliers

  • Fixed assets that have tangible value


Questão 102 de 148


What is accounts payable

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Money an organization's customers owe the organization

  • What is left of a company's assets after its liabilities have been discharged

  • Money an organization owes its vendors and suppliers


Questão 103 de 148


What is the income statement

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Compares revenues, expenses, and profits over a specified period of time- usually a year or a quarter

  • One indicator of the organization's financial health

  • Compares current assets that can be easily liquidated or converted into cash


Questão 104 de 148


What is gross profit

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Sales revenues minus the costs of producing what is sold, compares gross profit with sales

  • Net income is what a business has after paying interest and taxes

  • Illustrates the effect of all organizational activities


Questão 105 de 148


What is net income

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • What a business has after paying interest and taxes

  • Sales revenue minus the costs of producing what is sold

  • Illustrates the effect of all organizational activities


Questão 106 de 148


What is the formula for net income

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Gross profit / net sales

  • Revenues - Expenses

  • Expenses- net sales


Questão 107 de 148


How is the gross profit margin calculated

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Net sales + gross profit

  • Net income / gross profit

  • Gross profit / net sales


Questão 108 de 148


How is the net profit margin calculated

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Net income + net sales

  • Net income / net sales

  • Net income / gross profit


Questão 109 de 148


What is the cash flow statement

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • What business has after paying interest and taxes

  • Current assets include items that can be easily liquidated or converted into cash

  • Illustrates the effect of all organizational activities- activities that both consume value ( production, administration) and produce value ( sales, investment) on how much cash or cash equivalents the organization has on hand


Questão 110 de 148


What is the formula for Return on investment (ROI)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Net income / number of outstanding shares

  • Total sales- total costs / total sales

  • Gain from investment-cost of investment / cost of investment


Questão 111 de 148


What is the formula for profit margin

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Total sales-total costs / total sales

  • Net income/ number of outstanding shares

  • Total liabilities / total assets


Questão 112 de 148


What is the formula for Earnings per share (EPS)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Gain from investment- Cost of investment / cost of investment

  • Net income / number of outstanding shares

  • Stock price per share / Earnings per share


Questão 113 de 148


What skill could most improve an HR function's ability to manage change

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Mastery of complex communication means

  • Knowledge of current job descriptions

  • Understanding of strategic implications

  • Evaluation


Questão 114 de 148


What should leaders understand about managing change?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Acceptance of change cannot be expected until long after the change has been made

  • Managing change involves employees' cognition, emotions, and behavior

  • Most employees will embrace the promise of change

  • Global organizations must standardize their processes for introducing organizational change


Questão 115 de 148


What important action takes place at the end of Lewin's change management model ?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Employee input on change is sought

  • A vision of the future is communicated

  • The change is made a lasting part of the organization's policies or processes

  • Employees are motivated to accept the change


Questão 116 de 148


What is managing the change spectrum

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Resistant, neutral, welcoming

  • Fear, positive, negative

  • Welcoming, fear, neglecting


Questão 117 de 148


What are the conditions that make change possible

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Empathy, communication, manager's negative reaction

  • Shared purpose, reinforcement systems, skills required for change, consistent role models

  • Urgency, communication, reinforcement systems, empathy


Questão 118 de 148


What stage of the Lewin's model of change will help get employees to accept that the change will occur by reducing factors that work against change

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Unfreezing

  • Moving

  • Refreezing


Questão 119 de 148


What is the Cascade approach when planning and implementing a change

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Relies on a top-down sequence with complete change at each level. change at one level or unit high up in the organization eventually transforms the units and levels beneath it

  • Change originates at the op and is broadcast to the entire organization

  • Relies on independent centers and multiple origins of the change within the organization


Questão 120 de 148


What is the organic method when planning and implementing a change

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Relies on a top-down sequence with complete change at each level

  • Relies on independent centers and multiple origins of the change within the organization

  • The change originates at the top and is broadcast to the entire organization


Questão 121 de 148


What is an interview advantage

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It is Safer, confidential environment may generate significant information

  • Requires strong relationship-building skills

  • The interviewer can influence questions and interpret answers


Questão 122 de 148


Which context a focus group might occur

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • To follow up on a survey by more in-depth discussions at the specific issues from collection qualitative data that impacts the survey results

  • Only one individual perspective is needed for a specific issue

  • Where participants are not free to share collection of qualitative data


Questão 123 de 148


What is a nominal group technique (NGT) for a focus group

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A technique that proceeds through rounds in which participants each suggest ideas, the rounds continue no further ideas are proposed

  • A technique that progressively collects information from a group on a pre-selected issue, after the coordinator identifies the issues and participants, each participant lists his/her idea about the issue in question in a brief, concise manner and returns the list anonymously to the coordinator

  • A technique that discuss core ideas, group members add related ideas and indicate logical connections, eventually grouping similar ideas


Questão 124 de 148


Which of the following question is NOT one of the questions that human resources professional needs to address in a Human Management Capital plan during strategic planning?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Where have we come from

  • Where are we now

  • How will we get there

  • How will we know when we arrived


Questão 125 de 148


Why is understanding of legal process so valuable for human resources professional

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Human resources professionals are the ones responsible for contacting members of Congress in the event that legislation should be proposed

  • The business world is increasingly involved with legislative process, and the human resource professional is a company's outside contact for legislation

  • Legislation influences the relationship between employers and employees, and human resource professional is responsible for understanding this relationship


Questão 126 de 148


Standard Human Resource budget responsibilities for a company might include all of the following EXCEPT

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Travel expenses

  • Payroll taxes

  • Performance increases

  • Employee Benefits


Questão 127 de 148


The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Retains a certification of age for all employees for how long

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 2 years

  • 1 year

  • 5 years

  • Until employee termination


Questão 128 de 148


What are the human resource professional's primary role in assisting a development with conducting an effective interview

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • To offer any requested advice on preparing for and setting up interviews

  • To choose the members of the prospective interview board

  • To conduct all interviews for prospective employees of all company


Questão 129 de 148


The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection process (UGESP) requires which two qualities in testing

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Fairness and reliability

  • Equality and fairness

  • Reliability and validity

  • Consideration and reliability


Questão 130 de 148


The Warn Act was designed to do which of the following

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Prevent massive lay-offs that disrupt the economy

  • Ensure rights for employees who have been laid off

  • Provide new positions for employees that have been laid off


Questão 131 de 148


Which of the following provides the best definition of organization development

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Creating a mutual understanding of values within an organization

  • Analyzing the various elements of an organization's makeup and reviewing opportunities for improvement

  • Creating a sense of balance between employers and their employees in a company


Questão 132 de 148


Which of the following elements is NOT a part of the ADDIE model of instructional design

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Design

  • Develop

  • Administration

  • Evaluation


Questão 133 de 148


What is the purpose of of a total rewards strategy

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • To use budget for rewards in order to retain employees

  • To assist in creating teamwork among employees

  • To plan for establishing salaries among employees


Questão 134 de 148


What is a Delphi technique for a focus group

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A technique progressively collects information from a group on a preselected issue, after the coordinator identifies the issue and participants, each participant lists his/her ideas about the issue in question in a brief, concise manner and returns the list anonymously to the coordinator

  • A technique that begins the discussion with cored ideas, the group members add related ideas and indicate logical connections, eventually grouping similar ideas

  • A technique the proceeds through rounds in which participants each suggest ideas, the rounds continue until no further ideas are proposed


Questão 135 de 148


From the answers below, what are relatively inexpensive ways to gather a large amount of data from a large and dispersed group of subjects

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Observing and sampling

  • Surveys and questionnaires

  • Questionnaires and sampling

  • Observing and questionnaires


Questão 136 de 148


What two key characteristics of data collected should you be concerned with whether you are designing a tool to gather primary data or using data from a secondary source

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Statistical sampling and Measurement Bias

  • Unweighted average and weighted average

  • Reliability and Validity


Questão 137 de 148


What is reliability

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Is the ability of an instrument to measure what it is intended to measure

  • Is Built on reason and evidence

  • Reflects the ability of a data-gathering instrument or tool, to provide results that are consistent


Questão 138 de 148


What is validity

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The ability of an instrument to measure what it is intended to measure

  • Reflects the ability of a data-gathering instrument or tool, to provide results that are consistent

  • Is built on reason and evidence


Questão 139 de 148


What is Bias

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Using irrelevant criteria to develop measures

  • Occurs when people consciously or unconsciously evaluate data in an irrational manner

  • The degree of to which people measure attributes that are relevant to the measurement's intention


Questão 140 de 148


From the answers below, what are the two quantitative measures frequently used to analyze data

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Frequency distributions and tables and measures of central tendency

  • Data analysis method and Ratio analysis method

  • Frequency distributions and tables and Variance analysis

  • Quartiles and percentiles


Questão 141 de 148


Analytics can expose the important connections and patterns in data to make better workforce decisions because they

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Consider the past and present and forecast the future

  • Show dispersion, or how groups of data related to each other

  • Identifies the degree of difference between planned and actual performance.


Questão 142 de 148


What is a ratio analysis

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Shows dispersion, or how groups of data related to each other

  • Refers to using relationships between data in financial statements to measure the financial health of an organization

  • Identifies the degree of difference between planned and actual performance


Questão 143 de 148


What is a regression analysis

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Refers to a statistical method used to determine whether a relationship exists between variables and the strength of the relationship exists between variables and the strength of the relationship

  • The ability to predict variables such as level of sales, production, or service within workable limits or ranges most often becomes the foundation for making the HR forecast

  • Starts with a result and then works backward

  • Can be used to test the possible effects of altering the details of a strategy to see if the likely outcome can be improved


Questão 144 de 148


what is an example of why an HR professional would use a pie chart

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • To describe the age breakdown of the workforce

  • To analyze recruiting methods in terms of employee performance ratings

  • To analyze workforce demand to identify overall trends in demand as well as high and low pints in the calendar year

  • To analyze and illustrate causes of voluntary and involuntary employee separation from the organization


Questão 145 de 148


what is an example of why an HR professional would use a Pareto chart

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • To analyze workforce demand to identify overall trends in demand as well as high and low points

  • To analyze recruiting methods in terms of employee performance

  • To analyze and illustrate causes of voluntary and involuntary employee separation from the organization

  • To describe the age breakdown of the workforce


Questão 146 de 148


What is an advantage of the nominal group technique in conducting research

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It adds more credibility to the reported findings

  • It is easier to quantify data for analysis and reporting

  • It allows for in-depth discussion and analysis of certain topics

  • It involves research participants in prioritizing data


Questão 147 de 148


In analyzing salary survey data, which measure could be used to evaluate the number of incumbents and salary

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Weighted average

  • Unweighted average

  • Median

  • Mode


Questão 148 de 148


An HR manager wants to detect a correlation between possession of a certain type of degree and job performance ratings. What type of analysis would help

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Variance analysis

  • Regression analysis

  • Trend analysis

  • Root cause analysis
