Criado por Lauren Spence
quase 6 anos atrás
define archaeology
how old is archaeology?
what is the Greek translation of the word archaeology?
describe the development of archaeology
what has archaeology recently become concerned with?
How did modern warfare contribute to archaeological techniques?
describe the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) as an archaeological technique
describe the LiDAR (light detection and ranging) as an archaeological technique
what is the difference between an aerial survey and a ground/geophysical survey?
define hypothesis
what is the difference between a research dig and a salvage dig:
define findspot
describe the grid system
define baulk
define stratum (pl. strata)
define provenance
describe open area excavation
define 'in situ'
discuss/name excavation tools
what principle is archaeological dating based on?
describe stratigraphic dating
describe typology dating
describe Thomsen's 3-age system
what is absolute dating?
discuss radio-carbon dating
discuss AMS radio-carbon dating
discuss dendrochronology (tree ring dating)
discuss potassium-argon dating
discuss TL (thermoluminescence) dating
discuss tephrochronology dating
discuss uranium thorium dating
list recent methods of scientific dating
what is fission-track dating
discuss marine archaeology
what is a source?
what are examples of archaeological sources used to reconstruct the past?
what are examples of written sources used to reconstruct the past?
a source is not equal to ...
define a secondary source
define a primary source
discuss characteristics of archaeological sources
discuss characteristics of written sources
checklist for interrogating archaeological sources (1 - 6)
checklist for interrogating written sources (1 - 6)
what is bias?
what are the 3 main categories of bias?
what is authentiction?
what is cross referencing?
define reliability
what are some negatives of authentication?
what is a relic
what is a fake?
what is a replica?
what is a forgery?
what is the role of provenance?
what is usefulness?
how do you authenticate written texts?
discuss the three main methods of authentication
science v expert opinion
why make fakes?
define perspectives
what is conservation?
what is reconstruction?
what is preservation?
what are factors contributing to the preservation of the past
what are factors threatening the integrity of ancient sites?
what is the role of UNESCO in conserving archaeological sites?
list conservation technologies
describe a case study of reconstruction of archaeological sites:
discuss modern methods of reconstruction
an example of rescue archaeology
what are examples of digital reconstuction
what is cultural heritage?
discuss cultural property
looting and illegal trade - negative implications
discuss the role and contribution of museums
what are bog bodies?
where are bog bodies found
how are bog bodies preserved
discuss a scientific analysis of bog bodies
how has the nature of archeological excavation changed over time
how do archaeological and scientific techniques contribute to the discovery and investigation of the ancient past?
what are the strengths and limitations of archaeological sources for reconstructing the ancient past?