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Layne  Ruiz
Mapa Mental por , criado more than 1 year ago

Mapa Mental sobre System life cycle, criado por Layne Ruiz em 26-03-2019.

Layne  Ruiz
Criado por Layne Ruiz quase 6 anos atrás
System life cycleAnalysisDesignDevelopment andtestingImplementationDocumentationEvaluationThe end-user’s requirements should be determined anddocumented, what their expectations are for the system,and how it will perform. A feasibility study will be madefor the project as well, involving determining whetherit’s organizationally, economically, socially,technologically feasible. it’s very important to maintainstrong communication level with the clients to makesure you have a clear vision of the finished product andits function.The design phase comes after a good understanding ofcustomer’s requirements, this phase defines the elementsof a system, the components, the security level, modules,architecture and the different interfaces and type of datathat goes through the system.This phase produces the software underdevelopment. Depending on the methodology, thisphase may be conducted in time-boxed “sprints,”(Agile) or may proceed as a single block of effort(Waterfall.) Regardless of methodology,development teams should produce workingsoftware as quickly as possible.-Code quality, Unit testing(functional tests), integrationtesting, performance testing,security testing.Is the post-implementation review. Thisphase identifies whether the systemmeets the initial requirements andobjectives. This is when the system isevaluated for weaknesses. The objective ofthe evaluation phase of the systemsdevelopment life cycle is to deploy thesystem and train the system end users.The user documentation isintended to help the users ofthe system. The users areusually non-technical people, whodon't need to know how thesystem works. They just needto know how to use it.The new system isintroduced in phases(stages, or steps),gradually replacing partsof the old system untileventually, the newsystem has taken over.Clique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico