Series circuit has a voltage of 110 and three resistors. RA = 15 ohms, RB = 18 ohms, and RC = 25 ohms. What is the total resistance, the voltage drop on each resistor, and the power at RA?
Voltage drop at A: 28.5 V Voltage drop at B: 34.02 V Voltage drop at C: 47.25 V Total Resistance: 58 ohms Power at A: 54.75
Voltage drop at A: 30.2 V Voltage drop at B: 46.8 V Voltage drop at C: 56.7 V Total Resistance: 72 ohms Power at A: 55.62
Series circuit with a voltage of 24 volts. Two resistors. RA = 200 ohms, RB = 300 ohms. What is the power at RA and RB, and what is the total resistance?
Power at A: 0.4608 Watts Power at B: 0.6912 Watts Total Resistance: 500 ohms
Power at A: 0.487 Watts Power at B: .6874 Watts Total Resistance: 100 ohms
What is the total resistance, current at A, current at C, current at E, voltage drop at C, and voltage drop at B?
Total resistance: 9.06 Current at A: 8.8 Current at C:11 Current at E: 4.489 Voltage drop at C: 220 Voltage drop at B: 132
Total Resistance: 94 Current at A: 12 Current at C: 11 Current at E: 6.875 Voltage drop at C: 220 Voltage drop at B: 220
What is the voltage?
33.6 volts
30.8 volts
What is the total current, current through each resistor, and the power rating?
Total current: 1.8 Current through each resistor: 1.8 Power rating: 1.8
Total Current: 1.8 Current through each resistor: 0.6 Power rating: 1.8
What is the resistance at the heater and at the lamp?
Heater: 9.6 Lamp: 72
Heater: .08 Lamp: 0.6
What is the total current and the power?
Total current: 0.24 Power: 2.88
Total current: 1.25 Power: 7.9
What is the total resistance, current, power dissipated at A, power dissipated at B, and power dissipated at C?
Total resistance: 18 Current: 0.67 Power at A: 1.3467 Power at B: 4.0401 Power at C: 2.69
Total resistance: 12 Current: .15 Power at A: 2.0145 Power at B: 3.2145 Power at C: 5.156
What is the resistance at A, resistance at B. resistance at C, total resistance, and total current?
Resistance at A: 6 Resistance at B: 2 Resistance at C: 3 Total resistance: 1 Total current: 12
Resistance at A: 4 Resistance at B: 3 Resistance at C: 5 Total resistance: 13 Total current: 15
What is the equivalent resistance, total current, voltage drop at A & C, current through A & C, and power dissipated at B?
Equivalent resistance: 12.5 Total current: 10 Voltage drop A: 125 Voltage drop C:125 Current through A: 6.25 Current through C: 2.5 Power at B: 156.25
Equivalent resistance: 170 Total current: 14 Voltage drop A: 147 Voltage drop C: 147 Current through A: 8.69 Current through C: 5.6 Power at B: 178.24