Criado por mathieteal
aproximadamente 10 anos atrás
Sensory receptors detect what?
Sensory receptors are based on?
Chemoreceptors sense?
Photoreceptors are for what?
Thermoreceptors sense what?
Mechanoreceptors sense what?
Noriceptors sense what?
Which of the receptors is most varied?
When multiple receptors combine, what kind of sensation is produced?
Is somatosensation varied?
What are some divisions of somatosensation?
Somatic sensory system mediates what?
What are examples of somatic sensory sensations?
What are the most sensitive types of receptors?
All sensations are transducer by specialized PNS/CNS receptors?
How are sensations transducer?
What are anatomically and functionally distinct for the variety of receptor systems?
Where does somatic sensation arise?
Somatic sensation arises from nerve fibers in two places... __ and __.
Where do cell bodies of sensory neurons reside? (two places)
What are the two ganglia where sensory neurons reside?
Action potentials generated at the peripheral end along what fiber past a cell body and terminate where?
What is transduction?
Transduction converts ___ into ___.
(electrical stimulus, physical stimulus, mechanical stimulus, chemical stimulus)
Transduction requires a stimulus to be converted so what system can understand it's impulse?
What is sensory transduction?
What is one form of energy?
What are examples of receptor potentials?
Nature and location of a stimulus indicate what?
What is needed to indicate the size and duration of the receptor potential produced?
Intensity can be?
Are all receptors the same in sensitivity?
Do all receptors produce long or short responses?
Can a receptor produce a short response even if the stimulus is maintained?
Do receptors respond to a variety or stimuli?
How are receptor potentials produced? (ion channels)
Sensory receptors are analogous to what?
Most post synaptic membranes and their adequate stimulus can be analogous to what?
If a receptor contacts the next cell that is close to the site of transduction, what happens?
If a receptor is far from the next cell, the receptor potential will do what?
What is the difference between a close and far receptor potential?
Can a receptor potential become an action potential?
Define what a receptive field is?
Does a receptive field respond to everything?
Are receptive fields the same size?
When there is no obvious spatial domain in a receptive field, how does it sense stimuli?
What does a receptive field require to notice a stimulus? (2)
Receptive fields correspond to: efferent/afferent fibers?
Receptive fields correspond to single/multiple afferent fibers?
Which has smaller receptive fields: fine touch/crude touch
Where do fine touch have small receptive fields than crude touch?
What receptive fields are the finest?
Give an example of a receptor field with spatial domain?
give an example of an area with no spacial domain?
Do neuros in high orders (such as the thalamus or cortical neurons) have receptive fields?
Are higher order RF more or less complex?
What does the visual cortex respond to?
How can you test for a receptive field?
What do you use to do a two-point discrimination test?
If a caliper has a perception of two points, what does this indicate?
If a caliper has only one point indicated, what does this mean?
Sensory receptor adaptation: become more/less sensitive during maintained stimulus?
What is the exception of becoming less sensitive to a stimulus with continued exposure?
What are slowly adapting receptors suitable for?
What are rapidly adapting receptors good for?
Adaptation takes place at CNS/PNS level?
Does the CNS regulate sensitivity of receptors?
What does the CNS do to regulate moment-to-moment sensitivity?
CNS control over sensitivity or receptors is bottom up / top down / both?
Slowly adapting sensitivity, is short/long; continual/fades?
Rapidly adapting sensory response is short/long, continual/brief?
Afferent fibers of different receptors also differ in what?
What does the largest afferent supply?
What do intermediate diameter fibers mediate?
What do the smallest afferent fibers mediate?
How many kinds of touch receptors do we have?
What are the four kinds of touch receptor sensory function?
Receptor type: muscle spindle
receptor type: free nerve ending and the smallest kind.
receptor type: merkel, meissner, pacinian, and ruff ini cells.
Receptor type: free nerve ending, A theta
What is the largest receptor type based on axon diameter?
Second largest sensory fiber axon diameter belongs to what receptor type?
Do both free nerve endings have myelin?
Are all afferent fiber endings covered in myelin?
Encapsulated means?
What do capsules serve to do?
Afferents with specialized/encapsulated receptors are: slow/rapidly adapting and generally have lower/high thresholds for AP?
Where ar free nerve endings (non encapsulated) found?
What are the four kinds of tactile receptors in the skin?
If a receptor has a bigger field, density will be higher/lower?
If a receptor has a high density, the field will be bigger/smaller?
What are the two big receptor field cells?
What are the two smaller receptor fields?
Merkel sensory function?
Meissner sensory function?
Pacinian sensory function?
Ruffini sensory function?
Which has a smaller receptive field, merkel or meissner?
Which cell has a receptor field of the entire finger/hand?
Merkel cells are rapidly/slowly adapting fibers?
Merkel cells account for 15, 25, 35 % of mechanoreceptors in the hand?
Where are Merkel cells most densely located?
Merkel cells have high spatial resolution for detecting what? (3)
Meissner cells are slowly/rapdily adapting?
Meissner account for 10, 30, 40, 60% of receptors in hand?
Meissner receptor field is bigger/smaller than Merkel?
Meissner is most sensitive to skin ___?
Meissner is highly sensitive to ___?
Detecting slippage between skin and object is a role for: Merkel, Meissner?
Pacinian receptor field is slowly/rapidly adapting?
Pacinian accounts for , 5, 10, 15% of receptors in the hand?
Pacinian is an onion like structure found where in the hand?
Pacinian is most sensitive to what?
Ruffini is a slowly/rapidly adapting receptor?
Ruffini accounts for 10, 15, 20, 25% of receptors?
Ruffini provides information about what?
Do non-nociceptive thermal receptors discharge at greater rates if pain is induced?
When do nociceptors respond?
How many types of pain conduction fibers are there?
What are the two types of nociceptors?
Which pain fiber is this: rapidly conducting; respond to dangerously intense mechanical and/or thermal stimuli; thinly myeliniated; more selective to the type of stimuli?
Which pain fiber is this? is unmyelinated, polymodal and respond to thermal, mechanical, and chemical stimuli
Which responds to more kinds of stimulus: a delta or c fiber?
Which respond to sharp first pain?
Which pain is diffused and lasts longer?
Pain pathways are located where?
Pain enters the spinal cord, processes run up and down several levels to provide contact with what?
What do second order neurons do in pain pathways?
Spinal cord carries pain to where?
Pain ends in the ___ (location) call ___ (tract)
Does the pain pathway always/sometimes/never decussate?
Does pain decussate in dorsal?
Proprioception is about information received from?
What is another meaning for proprioception?
Vestibuloreceptors convey information about what?
We understand proprioception from studying what?
Muscle spindles are found in most skeletal muscles EXCEPT? (2)
Muscle spindle is a capsule of what?
Muscle spindles are activated how?
Jaw/tongue have sparse/dense muscle spindles?
Golgi tendon organs are activated how?
Are golgi tendon organs activated with high or low threshold mechanoreceptors?
Golgi tensors are between what?
Muscle contraction ___ golgi tendon organs
there are few/many golgi tendon organs in the face/pharynx
Somatosensory information is _ neuron pathway?
Neuon pathway for somatosensory information is?
The spinal cord has how many types of sensation? What are they?
Which decussate?
proprioception/pain/touch and pressure?
Primary afferents carrying tactile and proprioceptive information synapse where?
second-order neurons then cross the midline and form the?
Third order neurons project the somatosensory information ?
Spinothalamic tract: has what
spinothalamic tract: 2nd order fibers cross the midline forming?
and ascent to?
Spinothalamic tract:
thalamic cells project somatosensory cortex of the
Damage to the spinal cord at level of the ventral horn will cause diminution of ___ on the ___ side to the lesion and diminution of ___ to the ___ side of the lesion
Damage rostral to the medulla would cause diminution of ___ and ___ on the ___ side of the lesion