Criado por Noor Shoukri
mais de 5 anos atrás
What are the six steps that have to be taken to realize the strategic management process.
List the two types of strategies which can be used in healthcare organizations. In addition, provide examples for each type.
List three important theories which help to explain the behaviour and actions of organizations within a competitve environment based on the strategies they develop.
List three important aspects organization should develop, before deciding on which strategy they want to choose and implement.
List the 8 different approaches with regards to strategy formulation.
List which type of analysis can be used to analyze the external environment.
Which type of sectors are part of the external environment?
Which important assumptions does the Resource Dependence Theory make with regards to how organizations make
strategic decisions?
Which important assumptions does the Contingency Theory make with regards to how organizations make
strategic decisions?
What are ways to analyze the internal environment of an organization?
Which four important qualities should resource have in order to be considered essential for an organization to acquire.
Which important assumptions does the Institutional Theory make with regards to how organizations make
strategic decisions?
Which four types of issues are managers/administrators dealing with when looking at how to lead professionals?
Which 7 items described by the healthcare triangle model have to be taken into account when managing professionals that work for a healthcare organization?
Which type of factors help to create more favorable engagement and foster stronger relationships between managers and professionals?
Provide a list with 5 problems
that professional organizations
have difficulties to effectively deal with.
Describe 4 important features of professional organizations.
According to Mintzberg, what are the 5 parts that determine how
organizations are structured?
What are the main features of a professional organization?
Which variables/constraints are required by professional organizations to develop the professional field and the profession itself?
Name a list of 10 types of philosophy which help to achieve organizational change.
List the four categories of change management strategies.
Which type of colors, within the theory of color thinking, can be used to achieve change within an organization.
Which factors could be impacted when change takes effect within an organization?
What are the four steps to start implementing change?
Which four types of irrational mechanisms can sabotage or block change?
Which types of leadership styles can be employed to help achieve change within an organization?