The right kidney is lower than the left one
The kidney parenchyma is made of cortex and medulla
The ureter gets narrow in 3 (levels) places
The ureter is located intraperitonially
The mucous membrane of the urinary bladder makes many folds in trigonum vesicae
Renal hilum is located on its medial margin
Columnae renales are part of the medulla renalis
Sinus renalis is part of the excretory passages
Visceral layer of the Bowman's capsule of the renal corpuscle is made of podocytes
Juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney secretes prostaglandins
Tuinica muscularis of the ureter consists of 3 layers of smooth muscle through its whole length
The external coat of the wall of the urinary bladder is only tunica adventitia
The urinary bladder stores the urine
The function of the kidneys is to:
filter blood and produce urine
store urine
The basal lamina of the glomerular filtration barrier is:
is penetrating for the proteins
one for the capillaries and the other for the visceral layers of the Bowman's capsule
built from 3 layers-lamina rara interna, lamina densa and lamina rara externa
The visceral layer of the Bowman's capsule consists of:
simple columnar absorptive epithelium
simple squamous epithelium
simple cuboidal secreting epithelium
The epithelium of the urinary bladder is:
multisratified non-keratinizin epithelium
multistratified keratinizing epithelium
Henle's epithelium
pseudostratified ciliated epithelium
The distal tubule of the nephron is:
made of cuboidal cells with the basal invagination of the plasma membrane
there are long and plenty microvili on the apical surface
there is a absorption of the proteins and glucose
here the urine become acid
The light and dark cells are present in the epithelium of:
the proximal tubule
loop of Henle
the distal tubule
the collecting tubule