What is a placebo?
A paper is published describing a patient who was diagnosed with a rare condition. What type of study is this?
A paper is published which looks at the number of complications of a disease within patients with that disease, at a single point in time. What type of study is this?
A study is conducted looking at the benefit of an old drug in the treatment of a specific condition over a long period of time. What type of study is this?
A study is conducted looking at the benefit of a new drug compared with an old one to treat a specific condition. What type of study is this?
What is a randomised double-blind controlled trial?
What is tested in phase 1 trials?
What is tested in Phase 2 trials?
What is tested in Phase 3 trials?
What is examined in phase 4 trials?
What do clinical trials help determine?
What are the titles for the key modules submitted as part of the CTD?
Why should a power calculation be done in planning a phase 3 clinical trial?
Prior to market authorisation of a new drug, which document is submitted to the regulatory authorities?
What is the purpose of phase 1 clinical trials?
What is the purpose of Phase 2 clinical trials?
What is the purpose of Phase 3 clinical trials?
What are Phase 4 trials also known as?
What is the purpose of the yellow card scheme?
Name 2 types of hypersensitivity toxicological studies