Jenny Martinez
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Multi Psychology final

Jenny Martinez
Criado por Jenny Martinez aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

MultiPsyc Final

Questão 1 de 24


Culture X has passed laws to make it hard for immigrants to settle into the community. Immigrants in this culture typically live in restricted areas (ethnic enclaves) and have few opportunities to participate in the larger society (e.g, few opportunities to learn the dominant language, obtain an education, or work). Which of the following best describes the values of the dominant group (culture X?)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Multiculturalism

  • Segregation

  • Melting pot

  • Separation


Questão 2 de 24


Mika has hazel eyes and lives in a culture in which eye color is used as a system of privilege and oppression. People with hazel eyes are stereotyped to be more educated, moral, honest, and intelligent than people with other eye colors. Which of the following are more likely to characterize hazel eyed people in this culture?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • People will tend to have positive implicit biases toward individuals with hazel eyes.

  • People with hazel eyes may benefit from stereotype boost in academic settings.

  • People with hazel eyes are unlikely to recognize the unique advantages they receive.

  • All of the above are true.

  • People with hazel eyes may benefit from stereotype boost in academic settings and People will tend to have positive implicit biases toward individuals with hazel eyes.


Questão 3 de 24


Megan, who identifies as a woman says " I am proud to be one of the guys. Women are too sensitive and catty. I am not like other women." Megan often makes sexist jokes about women as a way to fit in with her male peers. Megan's behavior is most clearly an example of:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Ambivalent sexism

  • Primary oppression

  • Secondary oppression

  • Tertiary oppression


Questão 4 de 24


According to research discussed in class, which of the following is likely to reduce hateful actions?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A well-liked celebrity or high-status person makes a statement against hateful actions

  • A member of a privileged group makes a clear statement against hateful actions towards a stigmatized group.

  • A large number of community members publicly share values of empathy, diversity, and inclusion (and anti-hate)

  • Research supports the effectiveness of all the above in reducing hateful behaviors.


Questão 5 de 24


Jay, who identifies as Korean American has taken an Asian American studies course. Through this class, he realized how little he had previously learned about Korean American culture and history. Jay craved learning more. He recently joined several student groups allowing him to explore his ethnic identity. He has been investing his time in becoming more connected within the Korean American community and has been choosing to spend less time participating in activities that represent the dominant culture. According to Helms' People of Color Racial Identity Model, which status does Jay's behavior represent?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Reintegration

  • Immersion/Resistance

  • Integrative Awareness

  • Separation


Questão 6 de 24


Angie is an African American woman who faces overt forms of racism in her workplace. She has a strong pride in her identity as a black woman and is able to feel less personally affected by everyday microaggressions. Angie has

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A strong social support system

  • A positive identity

  • A sense of belonging


Questão 7 de 24


Miguel is invited to a fraternity party and the theme is "Fuego Fiesta". As he arrives, he is disgusted by their appropriation of Chicano attire, gang tattoos, fake pregnancy bellies, and extremely heavy accent. He tells one of his friends "You were always one for equality. I know you don't actually believe that Mexican Americans are really like this so I would like to know what gave you this idea?"

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Arouse Dissonance

  • Express Emotions

  • Pivot/Advocate

  • Assume good intent/ Focus on behavior


Questão 8 de 24


Ellen is sitting at a meeting during work. She overhears a coworker say "I don't think that the promotion should go over to Helen. I mean as a mother, she already has a lot on her plate". She responds "Have you ever Janice? She is a mother and has had time to contribute a lot to this company".

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Arouse Dissonance

  • Disagree

  • Pivot/advocate

  • None of the above


Questão 9 de 24


Why is homogenization harmful?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It ignores the fact that every member of an ethnic group has different experiences.

  • It fails to address cultural stigma

  • It groups LGBT individuals into one box

  • It creates pressure for individuals to maintain a high standard


Questão 10 de 24


You are walking in a neighborhood and see a "Black Lives Matter" sign. A few days later, you see that the sign has been vandalized with the words "Whites only". You feel discomfort and threatened in this neighborhood as a poc.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Overt racism

  • Insidious racism

  • Aversive racism

  • Institutional racism


Questão 11 de 24


Harry transfers from a predominantly white institution to a HBCU. He is part of a group for his class where they are working on a project to address police brutality. His groupmates tell him about their experiences of racism and racial profiling. He begins to recognize the treatment of POC students as a product of institutional oppression. He tells the rest of his groupmates, that as a white student, he feels a sense of guilt after hearing about what POC go through. Harry has what type of racial identity schema?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Reintegration

  • Color-blind/color evasion

  • Pseudo Independent

  • Autonomy


Questão 12 de 24


Which of the following is an example of privilege in the education system?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Affirmative action

  • Students learning from the perspectives of pilgrims

  • A white teacher primarily responding to emails sent by white-sounding names

  • A white teacher primarily responding to emails sent by white-sounding names and Students learning from the perspectives of pilgrims


Questão 13 de 24


Min is denied employment due to his nationality as Filipino.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Primary oppression

  • Secondary oppression

  • Tertiary oppresion


Questão 14 de 24


Whiteness would fit under what part of the ecological model?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Microsystem

  • Exosystem

  • Mesosystem

  • Macrosystem


Questão 15 de 24


Miriam is fleeing from the war in her home country. As she arrives in the United States, she is immediately marked as a terrorist although she is far from one. She is facing what type of oppression?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Marginalization

  • Cultural Imperialism

  • Exploitation

  • Powerlessness


Questão 16 de 24


Gustavo is a new student who has immigrated from Guatemala. In his high school, he mainly sits with students from his ESOL class and has little to no contact with students belonging to the dominant cultural group. What acculturation typology is this?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Separation

  • Marginalization

  • Assimilation

  • Integration


Questão 17 de 24


Fred is having a cookout and decides to invite his Muslim friend, Fatima over, even though she is fasting for Ramadan at this time. He tells Fatima, "I know you're fasting but having this meal just once wouldn't hurt".

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Segregation

  • Melting Pot

  • Multiculturalism

  • Exclusion


Questão 18 de 24


Governor Harold Stern says during his campaign speech "We can't lose our jobs to the immigrant population". What type of perceived threat is this?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Negative stereotypes

  • Intergroup anxiety

  • Realistic

  • Symbolic threat


Questão 19 de 24


To conceal his identity as a gay man in his household, Kevin makes up the lie that he is dating a woman during his family reunions.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Nondisclosure

  • Concealment motivation

  • Concealment behavior


Questão 20 de 24


You are buying clothes from a popular fashion retailer. Little do you know that the majority of the clothes sold there are produced in sweatshops that pay their employees below minimum wage. The clothes are sold at a very low price, which helps you save a lot of money but you are unknowingly engaging in

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Tertiary Oppression

  • Primary Oppression

  • Secondary oppression


Questão 21 de 24


Oppression occurs through

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Force, deprivation, and covert (un) intentional policies and systems

  • Exploitation, marginalization, and cultural imperialism

  • Separation, assimilation, and marginalizatoin

  • Integration, segregation, and exclusion


Questão 22 de 24


Jeff believes that the U.S culture is superior to the cultures of other nations. Fred believes that the U.S culture embraces cultural differences. Who is more likely to be xenophobic?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Jeff

  • Fred


Questão 23 de 24


An older white woman overhears a Hispanic couple in Ikea discussing their wedding plans in Spanish. She says to them "Why can't you all learn how to speak English? If you live in America, you need to learn how to speak the language". What type of perceived threat is she exhibiting?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Realistic

  • Intergroup anxiety

  • Symbolic Threat

  • Negative stereotype


Questão 24 de 24


For Asian American women, checking the box for their ethnic identity before starting an exam.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Explicit positive

  • Implicit negative

  • Implicit positive

  • Explicit negative
