Criado por Cailin Pearce
mais de 5 anos atrás
The strengths of a good definition of health and wellbeing
The weaknesses of a bad definition of health and wellbeing
A definition of health and wellbeing appropriate for indigenous Australians
The unrealistic WHO definition of health and wellbeing
Immersive marketing
Celebrity endorsements
Infiltration of social media
The function of fibre
The function of iron
The function of carbohydrates
Food sources of fibre
Food sources of iron
Food sources of carbohydrates
The consequences of eating too many carbohydrates
The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
The healthy eating pyramid
The order of the healthy eating pyramid
The healthy eating pyramid can be effective in promoting health and wellbeing in youth because...
The use of a food selection model to assist in consuming optimal amounts of the food groups
Public advocacy
Community advocacy
Perspectives and priorities of health and wellbeing for 15-24-year-olds (Youth)
Burden of disease
Sociocultural factors
Socioeconomic status (SES)
How SES (Socioechonomic status) can impact alcohol consumption
Self-assessed health status
Life expectancy
Perspectives on health and wellbeing for Buddhists
Perspectives on health and wellbeing of Islamic faith
Perspectives on health and wellbeing of females
Perspectives on health and wellbeing of males
Examples of physical health and wellbeing
Examples of spiritual health and wellbeing
Examples of social health and wellbeing
Examples of mental health and wellbeing
Examples of emotional health and wellbeing
Sources of nutritional information
What is a strategy to evaluate nutritional information and find out if it has come from a credible source?
What does the R in the REAL strategy stand for?
What does the E n the REAL strategy stand for?
What does the A in the REAL strategy stand for?
What does the L in the REAL strategy stand for?
What is meant by health inequalities?
Risk factors of heroin use as a health issue for Australian youth
Protective factors of heroin use as a health issue for Australian youth
Direct costs of heroin addiction
Indirect costs of heroin addiction
A government program that promotes health and wellbeing? and what dimensions?
Expectations when developing health promotion programs
An example of youth advocacy