Criado por Kanayo
aproximadamente 10 anos atrás
List the components of the Health Belief model and briefly describe their role.
What is the aim of the Health Belief model?
Who created the Health Belief model?
Describe a study that has used HBM in regards to Eating. What were the main results? Think about critiques of the method.
Describe Kazemi's study which used HBM in regards to Smoking. What were the main results? Think about critiques of the method used.
What are the main criticisms of the Health Belief Model? Which model did Zimmerman say is better than HBM?
What does the Attribution model suggest? Hows does it link to Locus of Control?
What are the issues with Locus of control (Wallston)?
What is self-affirmation (Steele, 1988)?
How does it link to aiding behavioural change and what study give evidence for this?
What are the general criticisms (methodological and phenomenological) for research concerning health beliefs?
Who created the Protection Motivation Theory?
What are the key components?
What are the criticisms of the PMT?
What study by Ripptoe and Rogers supports PMT and specifically for which components?
Describe van der Velde & van der Plight's (1991) study?
What was significant about the study/results? Implications for future research?
What study suggests that the influence of fear in PMT is questionable?
They oppose van der Velde & van der Plight.
What was significant about their findings and what are the implications?
Who developed the Theory of Planned Behaviour?
'planned actions in pursuit of behavioural goals'
What are the components?
What are the strengths and limitations of the Theory of planned behaviour?
Describe a few studies that support the TPB. What components were key for the studies.
What was the general criticism that Schawzer gave to both the HBM, PMT TPB?
What is the health action process approach model, list the components? Who created it?
What is the most significant component?
What are the criticisms of the HAPA model?
What causes HIV? When does it turn into AIDS? When did it first arise? How many people have it in the UK?
Some early HIV/AIDS adverts were really scary with high fear - how would the Protection motivation theory react to this?
What are the psychological consequences of HIV diagnosis?
What is the role of psychology in HIV interventions?
What drugs are used to treat HIV?
How much adherence is needed for high effectiveness?
What is the link between personality and sex behaviour?
What are the implications?
What are the issues with sex research?
What interventions have been used to prevent HIV transmission?
What type is said to be more effective?
What are the psychological effects of HIV diagnosis?
What co-morbid illness develops and what are the effects on the HIV diagnosis?
What are the benefits of active coping with HIV according to Goodwin?
HBM has some predictive value in condom use, but what are the main limitations?
What social cognition model is better than HBM and why?
State a few aims of cognitive behavioural stress management in HIV?
What type of maladaptive thoughts do people diagnosed with HIV tend to develop? What therapy is used to challenge these thoughts, who created it and what are the steps?
Is there a similar therapy from the general cognitive field?
What studies show the outcome of CBSM therapy?
What studies show the outcome of general CBT on HIV patients?
What are the benefits and differences between them.
What is the current level (%) of adherence to HIV drugs?
Why is adherence important?
What are the main reasons why adherence is not at 100%?
What study gives evidence as to why adherence is low amongst gay men? What was good about this study?
Describe another study that came up with 3 factors explaining non-adherence.
What is the PACT intervention and what are some of the components?
What is behaviour change via reinforcement? Give two study examples?
Incentives are a crude version of reinforcement, what does this mean?
What is the role of modelling in behaviour change?
Food example with kids
How can associative pairing bring about health behaviour change?
What is the role of exposure in behaviour change?
Give study example.
What is the role of CBT in behaviour change?
What is the relapse prevention strategy?
Marlett and Gordon
What are the 5 steps in the stages of change model? DiClemente
What are the criticisms?
What is needed to go from stage to stage in the stages of change theory?
How have emotions been used in behaviour change?
How has modern technology been used in behaviour change?
What are the four stages of substance use?
Percentage of men to women that smoke in the UK?
What are the health consequences of smoking?
What are the two factors present in smoking initiation?
What causes people to maintain smoking?
What interventions have been used to encourage people to stop smoking?
Relapse is an issue when it comes to smoking cessation, what model explains this?
Summarise Niaura and Abrams findings (2002)
What are the benefits of qualitative studies?
What is tautological pluralistic ignorance? How does it relate to smoking initiation?
Actions speak louder than words. How does Franca et al (2009) study on adolescents illustrate this?
Hajek and Stead 2001 did a meta analysis on aversion therapy for smoking. Summarise the results.