Criado por Anna Walker
quase 10 anos atrás
How is colour vision assessed?
What are the differential diagnoses for a swollen optic disc?
Describe the clinical features of optic neuritis.
What is the clinical picture with papilloedema?
In what situation could you get unilateral papilloedema?
What is Arteritic Anterior Ischaemic Optic Neuropathy?
What is the management of Arteritic AION?
What is non-arteritic AION?
What is optic atrophy?
What are the 6 extraocular muscles?
What is the innervation of the extraocular muscles?
What is the effect of a IIIrd nerve palsy?
What is the effect of a IVth nerve palsy
What is the effect of a VIth nerve palsy
What is the effect of a VIIth nerve palsy
Name some pupillary defects.
Describe the pathway for the pupillary light reflex.
Describe the pathway for the pupillary near reflex.
What happens in an Afferent Pupillary Defect (APD)?
What happens in RAPD?
What is the difference between APD and RAPD?
What is the efferent pathway to the pupils?
What is Horner's syndrome?
What are Argyll Robertson pupils?
What are the two types of muscle in the iris?
What are the two types of muscle in the ciliary body?
What do the sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae muscles respond to?
What happens during the accommodation reflex?
What is anisocoria?
What effects do TCAs, opiates and phenylephrine have on the pupils?
Describe the pathway of the 1st order neuron in the pupillary CONSTRICTION reflex.
Describe the pathway of the 2nd order neuron in the pupillary reflex
Describe the pathway of the 3rd order neurons in the pupillary reflex
Describe the pathway of the 1st order neuron in the pupillary DILATATION reflex.
Describe the pathway of the 2nd order neuron in the pupillary DILATATION reflex.
Describe the pathway of the 3rd order neuron in the pupillary DILATATION reflex.
What is the pathway for the accommodation response?
What are the features of Horner's syndrome?
What is the function of Muller's muscle?
What are some causes of diplopia?
What must you check if there is a painful third nerve palsy?
What is a sign of a carotid-cavernous fistula?
Describe the features of a vascular CNIII palsy.
What is the management of a vascular third nerve palsy?
What is "Adie pupil"?
What is traumatic mydriasis?
What is the management of traumatic mydriasis?
What is posterior synechiae?
What is the management of posterior synechiae?
Describe the two types of optic neuritis.
What are some differentials for anisocoria where the smaller eye is the abnormal one?
What lies in the inner third of the retina?
What is the normal diameter of the optic disc?
The two optic nerves go back medially and confront each other above the sphenoid bone. Then it is the optic chiasm and there is cross over. What happens next?
What happens as the fibres from the optic nerve leave the lateral geniculate body?
In the occipital lobe the optic nerve fibres are segregated again, how does this happen?
Describe the optic chiasm and its anatomical landmarks that could contribute to problems.
Describe the presentation and cause of a BITEMPORAL HEMIANOPIA.
Describe the presentation and cause of a LEFT INCONGRUOUS HEMIANOPIA.
Describe the presentation and cause of a LEFT HOMONYMOUS HEMIANOPIA.
Describe the presentation and cause of a LEFT HOMONYMOUS HEMIANOPIA WITH MACULAR SPARING.
Describe the presentation and cause of a LEFT SUPERIOR QUADRANTANOPIA.
Describe the presentation and cause of a LEFT INFERIOR QUADRANTANOPIA.
How are visual fields formally tested?
Describe the visual field loss seen in glaucoma.
Describe the visual field loss seen in retinitis pigmentosa.