Open chain supination calcaneus motion?
Close chain supination talus motion.
Close chain supination tibial motion.
Open chain inversion navicular movement.
Close chain inversion navicular movement.
Close chain arthrokinematics: talus on navicular.
Which ligament is tested in talar tilt?
the 6 Ps of acute compartment syndrome.
T/F: if the patient is suspected of acute compartment syndrome, they need to be referred to their primary for more check-ups.
Medial tibial stress syndrome may be caused by excessive (supination/pronation).
Grade I ligament rupture:
Grade II ligament rupture:
Grade III ligament rupture:
T/F: In order to facilitate healing, .ultrasound should be added to treatment of acute ankle sprain.
Tarsal tunnel is the entrapment of _________.
Peroneal muscular atrophy is called _______.