Criado por scarlettjaynem
quase 10 anos atrás
Why are volatile molecules important for flavour?
Name 2 oil-soluble funtional groups
Name 2 water soluble functional groups
Why do proteins change shape when heated?
Functional Group present in Alcohols?
What is the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols?
What is a cycloalkanol?
Oxidation of Primary alcohol forms:
What is an aldehyde?
Oxidation of Aldehyde forms:
Oxidation of a Secondary alcohol forms:
What is oxidation?
What oxidising agent is used to oxidise primary and secondary alcohols and what colour change is shown?
What is a ketone?
Benedict's Solution colour change:
Tollen's Reagent colour change:
What are antioxidants?
Give an example of antioxidant
Why are antioxidants added to food?
What are free radicals?
What are the negative effects of free readicals?
What is done to stop the effects of free radicals?