Criado por Tafe Teachers SB
mais de 5 anos atrás
What are the steps to a primary survey?
A patient is vomiting, and can't seem to clear her airway.
What part of the primary survey is relevant?
The patient is hemorrhaging.
What part of the primary survey is relevant?
The patient is shallow breathing.
RR is 6 rpm
What part of the primary survey is relevant?
The patient is unresponsive to touch and voice.
What part of the primary survey is relevant?
The patient's HR is 133, and is irregular.
What part of the primary survey is relevant?
The RR is 36, shallow, and irregular.
What part of the primary survey is relevant?
You expose the patient and notice that her leg is shortened, and internally rotated.
What part of the primary survey is relevant?
Patient has an audible wheeze. He is sitting upright, and is able to talk to you clearly.
Appears to have an increased WOB
Patient is clutching at their throat. Evidence of central cyanosis. You can hear a stridor.
The patient is alert and orientated. RR 20, regular with good depth. BP is 120/88. HR 89 regular. Appears well perfused (pink).
The patient has fallen, is lying on the ground, and appears to be pale. HR 110 weak and thready. BP 89/40.
Patient is acutely confused and disorientated.
The patient is experiencing periods of apnoea for up to 15 seconds.