Which tissues are implicated in a sulcus sign test at 0 degrees?
Superior Capsule
Inferior Capsule
ROT Interval
If you discover hypomobility while testing for instability what treatments can be done?
Surgical Stabilization
Theraputic Exercise
What is the normal amount of movement expected from a sulcus sign test?
8 mm
11 mm
9 mm
The sulcus sign test is a special test used identify multidirectional instability.
The sulcus sign test at 90 degrees is used to test for instability of the superior capsule.
What tissues are implicated in an anteriorload and shift test?
Posterior Capsule
Anterior Capsule
Anterior Ligaments
Posterior Ligaments
What treatments can be utilized if a patient has hypermobility in their shoulder due to instability?
Which of the choices below would indicate that a patient is positive for instability of the shoulder?
Which of the following is not a normal amount of movement for the test?
Sulcus sign: ~11 mm
Anterior Load & Shift: ~ 8 mm
Anterior Load & Shift: ~7 mm
Posterior Load & Shift: ~9 mm
Which of the following are associated with SLAP (Superior Labrum Anterior to Posterior) Lesions and Long Head Biceps?
MOI: macro-traumatic injury
MOI: micro-traumatic injury
MOI: eccentric deceleration history of activities
c/o pain "deep" or "in" shoulder
c/o of lateral pain
reptitive clicking/clunking
Which of the following are treatments that can be utilized for a SLAP lesion or LHB?
Therapeutic Exercise
Surgery (Tenotomy, Tenodesis)
Which test is conducted with the GH joint at 45 degrees to test for a SLAP lesion?
Anterior Slide Test
Speed's Test
O'Brien's Test
Posterior Slide Test
Which test is used to determine if the patient has an ant sup-ecc. dec. SLAP lesion?
If a test is conducted with suspicions that the patient has a SLAP lesion or LHB condition which of the following findings would be positive?
Deep Pain
Reptitive Clicking/Clunking
Which test is used to determine if the patient has a post sup-peel back SLAP lesion?
A Speed's Test has been conducted. Which of the following appropriately match the test finding with the musculoskeletal problem? (Check all that apply)
Deep c/o pain: SLAP Lesion
Sup c/o pain: AC
Ant c/o pain: LHB
Post c/o pain: LHB
An O'Brien's Test has been conducted. Which of the following appropriately match the test finding with the musculoskeletal problem? (Check all that apply)
Which tissues are implicated in Yergason's Test?
AC Joint
Which of the following are associated with a pathology of the long head of the biceps?
MOI: eccentric deceleration history
Pain to palpation
Pain "deep" in shoulder
C/o pain in ant shoulder
Which of the following would be considered postivie test findings for a LHB pathology?
Subluxation of LHB
Which of the following is NOT associated with an AC joint pathology?
Age over 40 y.o.
MOI: macrotrauma to superior shoulder
MOI: CKC (closed kinetic chain) position
c/o pain "on top" of shoulder
c/o pain to AC palpation
c/o pain with cross-over or overhead activities
asymmetrical deformities of AC
Which of the following is not a positive test finding for an AC joint pathology?
Which of the following are associated with RTC impingements? (Check all that apply)
Repetitive overhead activities
Overuse of arm in unaccustomed activities
c/o pain in lateral aspect of shoulder
c/o pain at night
c/o painful arc syndrome
painful arc during active ROM
compensatory shoulder shrug sign
eccentric deceleration history of activities
What does the Neer Test test for?
RTC impingement of the supraspinatus and LHB
RTC impingement of the supraspinatus
RTC impingment of the LHB and subscapularis
RTC impingment of the infrapsinatus and teres minor
What does the Hawkins-Kennedy Test test for?
RTC impingement: Supraspinatus
RTC impingement: Supraspinatus and LHB
RTC impingement: Infraspinatus and Teres Minor
RTC impingement: Subscapularis and LHB
Which of the following are treatment options for a hypomobile- primary RTC impingement?
surgery: capsular shift
surgery: acromioplasty
therapeutic exercise
Which of the following are possible treatment options for a hypermobile- secondary RTC impingement?
Surgical Stabilization: Capsular Shift
Which of the following are positive test findings for rotator cuff impingements?
Painful Arc
Weakness-pain inhibition
Which of the following are associated with rotator cuff tears?
over 40 y.o.
macro-traumatic injury w/ functional disability
idiopathic onset
c/o pain lateral arm
c/o dull constant ache in shoulder
c/o night pain, often wake up
compensatory shoulder shrug
c/o pain anterior arm
Which of the following does the ERLS (external rotation lag sign) 1 test for?
RTC tear of supraspinatus
RTC tear of infraspinatus
RTC tear of subscapularis
RTC tear of teres minor
Which of the following does ERLS (external rotation lag sign) 2 test for?
Which of the following does the 90/90 lag sign test for?
Which of the following does the 90/90 lag sign 2 test for?
Which of the following does the IRLS (internal rotation lag sign) test for?
Which of the following are positive test findings for a rotator cuff tear?
lag sign
A change of 10 degrees or greater from the predetermined position in a lag sign test is indicative of a full thickness RTC tear.
A 4 to 10 degree lag from the predetermined position in a lag sign test is indicative of a partial RTC tear.
What does the apprehension test check for?
Anterior instability (macro-traumatic)
Anterior instability (micro-traumatic)
Internal impingement syndrome
Posterior instability
Which of the following are associated with macro-traumatic anterior instability?
macro-traumatic ant/inf injury
hx of recurrent subluxations
c/o dead arm syndrome
positive apprehension test
repetitive overhead activities
c/o pain w/ overhead activities
Which of the following tissues are implicated in the apprehension test?
anterior capsule
posterior capsule
Which of the following does the Jobe subluxation/relocation test check for?
anterior instability (micro-traumatic)
internal impingement syndrome
posterior instability
bankart lesions
anterior instability (macro-traumatic)
Which of the following are associated with microtraumatic anterior instability?
age less than 30 y.o.
no overt signs of instability
c/o click/clunk in shoulder
sensations of shoulder weakness
Which of the following are associated with internal impingement syndrome?
specific c/o pain in the posterior shoulder inf to post-lat acromion
horizontal extension motion
painful arc syndrome
Which of the following are positive test findings for internal impingement syndrome?
posterior pain
deep pain
Which of the following are associated with posterior instability?
MOI: macrotrauma to cause posterior trauma
Hx of volitional subluxation
c/o posterior shoulder pain
patient can volitionally sublux shoulder
c/o click/clunk
c/o pain anterior or "deep" in shoulder
sensation of shoulder weakness
Which of the following does the posterior glide test 1 and 2 check for?
bankart lesion
SLAP lesion
anterior instability
Which of the following are positive test findings for posterior instability?
repetitive clicking/clunking
Which of the following are associated with bankart/SLAP lesions?
hx of macrotrauma
c/o pain in anterior or "deep" shoulder
sensation of pseudo-locking
hx of volitional subluxation
Which of the following do the clunk tests and crank test check for?
SLAP lesions
RTC tears