Criado por Nora Mahrer
mais de 5 anos atrás
The three Levels of Management
Normative Management
When a company defines its goals and purpose, it is defining structures, measures and behavior on _____
Strategic Management
Operational Management
Vertical Integration
Horizontal Integration
Levels of Strategy
A strategic positioning decision strives to match:
Combine the focus of strategic analysis to right level of the 4 strategies:
1. Core competence: which level?
2. Design of a value chain activity for competitive advantage?
3. Cooperation?
4. Competitive positioning and advantage?
Achieving synergies between businesses is main task on ..
which strategic level?
____ are the two basic strategies for creating value and attaining a competitive advantage in an industry
A _____ is a special outlook, skill, capability, or technology that runs through the firm's operations, weaving together all value activities into an integrated value chain.
What strategic actions has Rivella implemented in order to change the diminishing profits in its home market? Name three strategic actions.
Core of business strategy: Strategic positioning
inside out (unique competencies) and outside in (industry attractiveness)
Michael Porter’s Value Chain:
Value-Chain analysis helps to understand the potential and performance of resources and capabilities, thereby calcifying cost structures and value creation.
Explain the value chain with primary and supportive activities.
ISM Reader page 66
The Product / Market Matrix by Igor Ansoff
explain the 4 strategies.
The way a company creates value and firm performance through strategic integration of cross-border business activities.
what's that?
Levels of Strategy
explain the focus of
Network strategic level
Levels of Strategy
explain the focus of
Corporate strategic level
Levels of Strategy
explain the focus of
Business Strategic level
Levels of Strategy
explain the focus of
Functional Strategic Level
Absolute Advantage
by Adam Smith
Comparative Advantage
by David Ricardo
Factor Proportion Theory
by Heckscher & Ohlin
New Trade Theory
by Paul Krugman
New New Trade Theory
by Marc Melitz
FPT (Factor Proportion Theory) by Heckscher & Ohlin
Comparative Advantage
by Dave Ricardo
Classical country-based trade theories
name 4
modern firm-base trade theories
name 4
Theory of Competitive Advantage of Nations (CAN)
by Porter called the Diamond model
Porter's Diamond Model
1. Factor: the Factor Conditions
Porter's Diamond Model
2. Factor: Demand Conditions
Porter's Diamond Model
3. Factor: Related and Supporting Industries
Porter's Diamond Model
4. Factor: Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry
Porter's Diamond Model
Two Moderators: Government and Chance
First-mover advantage, explain this condition
Competitive advantage of nations (CAN) model by Porter
1. who exports?
2. who produces?
3. where to invest?
4. Free trade promotion?
Case - The Old-New Trade Theory - Krugman
Introduction into the research agenda of Paul Krugman. He focuses on aggregated trade flows and patterns of countries. what was the impact?
What is the relevance of “monopolistic markets”?
What is the relevance of “similar-similar trade“?
What is meant by “increasing returns on trade”?
What is meant by “increasing returns on geography”?
1. explain the home market effect
2. why is this effect self-enforcing?
What is competitiveness of a country.
Name some competitiveness dimensions
Why and How do Firms gain from being in a Cluster?
explain a MNE firms
(strategy starts with both. Togehter combined they represent an MNE's definition of purpose, values, goals and direction.
Name 7 company stakeholders
...... is the measure of a firm's capability of selling what it makes for more than the costs incurred in making it.
Factors that influence the configuration of a value-chain include:
name 7
Legal definition of a corporation
Business Systems describe what?
w3, p5
The term "Business System" may be applied at levels.
explain the 5 layers and its levels.
name 2 example countries which use the "Anglo-Saxon" Business system.
name 4 countries which use a "Communitarian" Business System
name 4 countries which use "Emerging" Business systems
Analytical Framework:
Business Systems Characteristics
Differences in Business Systems manifest themselves in 3 areas..
Framework for Business System Analysis
explain the 4 fields (hard&soft factors within macroµ level)
What is a core company?
what kind of problems do they control?
Market share/Market growth matrix:
The BCG-Matrix
Market attractiveness/Competitive advantage matrix: The (GE) McKinsey Matrix 2
Industry attractiveness (IO)
Industrial Organization
Unique competencies
Competitive Cost & Customer Analysis The Porter’s Company Value Chain (1985)
explain the 2 context and 2 strategy level
Unique competencies
Competitive Cost Analysis
The McKinsey Business System (Industry Value Chain)
explain the 3 context and 3 strategy level
Unique competencies
Edith E. Penrose (1959) University of Baltimore 1959
«The Theory of the Growth of the Firm»
Unique competencies
Birger Wernerfeld,
MIT Sloan School of Management (1984)
«The Resource-based View of the Firm»
Unique competencies
C. K. Prahalad, Gary Hamel University of Michigan Harvard Business School (1990)
Core Competence
Unique competencies
D. Teece, G. Pisano & A. Shuen University of Michigan
Harvard Business School (1997)
Dynamic capability
Sustainable competitive advantage in international context is based on...
Red Ocean strategy
Red oceans are all the industries in existence today.
Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue oceans denote all the industries not in existence today – the unknown market space, untainted by competition.
The Four Actions Framework to create a Blue Ocean
Cost reduction and local responsiveness are driven by different variables
» Pressures for global integration and cost reductions are greatest when:
name 4
Cost reduction and local responsiveness are driven by different variables
» Pressures for local responsiveness arise from:
name 4
Four archetypes of international corporate-level strategy
» Traditional MNC Cultural Orientation
low Responsiveness / low Cost Pressure
Ethnocentric means?
» Traditional MNC Cultural Orientation
high responsiveness / low cost pressure
Polycentric means?
» Traditional MNC Cultural Orientation
low responsiveness / high cost pressure
Geocentric means?
» Traditional MNC Cultural Orientation
high responsiveness / high cost pressure
Regiocentric means?
The characteristics of a multi-domestic strategy are..
The term ________ refers to a global company that thrives on seeking unique ideas and insights from locations around the world and then leveraging that knowledge in international markets.
Citibank decides to open a call center in Mumbai, India because a detailed analysis of the country-specific advantages suggests that India is the optimal place for responding to customers' calls. Citibank is exploiting ________ by running a call center in India.
Which industry tend to push to which international strategy archetype:
Private Banking
Which industry tend to push to which international strategy archetype:
Which industry tend to push to which international strategy archetype:
Power Supply
Which industry tend to push to which international strategy archetype:
Preston Electronics is an MNE with facilities located in Taiwan, Singapore, and Germany. Preston gives its local operations the authority to adapt value activities to prevailing local economic, political, legal, and cultural conditions. Preston is most likely using aNein ________ strategy.
Firms that compete in the global marketplace typically face the asymmetric forces of pressures for ________ and ________.
Zara creates, produces, and distributes most of its products from its headquarters in Spain. Zara is most likely using a ________ configuration
discrete series of steps taken to move a product from conception to end-users
what kind does this sentence describe?
How to approach a case study task on International Strategy?
Expandig globally allows for rise of profitability and profit growth.
w5, p.10
Internationalization as a decision influenced by a combination of drivers, barriers and risks.
what are the pull drivers?
Internationalization as a decision influenced by a combination of drivers, barriers and risks.
what are the push drivers?
Unsolicited order what's that?
Barriers of Internationalization
name 3
Risks of Internationalization
name 4
Reasons for internationalization of Swiss SME (in 2016)
name the 4 main reasons.
Obstacles in the internationalization process of Swiss SME (in 2016)
name 4
The relationship DoI and performance
W5, p.44
Different DoI-Performance-Links
draw the shape lines for Germany, US and Japan
DoI-Performance link for Swiss companies
Summary: The relationship between DoI and performance of USA, Germany and Switzerland
Internationalization of customers & competitors
Unsolicited orders and foreign market opportunities
are all examples for
push or pull drivers of internationalization?
Legal Rules
Liberalization of Markets and Removal of Trade Barriers
are all examples for
push or pull drivers of internationalization?
Growth and profit goals, economies of scale and scope
Unique product (technology/value proposition)
are all examples for
push or pull drivers of internationalization?
Foreign market opportunities
Favorable Ressource Opportunity
are all examples for
push or pull drivers of internationalization?
Theories and models of internationalization
Transaction cost theories of Internationalization (FDI)
Theories and models of internationalization
Vernon's International Product Life-Cycle (PLC)
w6, p.12
Theories and models of internationalization
OLI (Eclectic Paradigm)
The higher the O::
The higher the L::
The higher the I::
Theories and models of internationalization
The Stages (Uppsala) Model: Gradual process
Explain brief the 5 Uppsala Model: Internationalization as a step-by-step process
Theories and models of internationalization
The Network Approach to internationalization
Theories and models of internationalization
Born Globals: Factors influencing early internationalization
Theories and models of internationalization
what is the
The Springboard Model
The Springboard Model
1. motivation
2.reasons to spring
3. unique activities
4. challenges
Factors influencing the internationalization process
name 6 foreign market entry modes
explain Export
1. options
2. pro/con
explain Licensing
pro and cons
explain Franchising
explain Joint Ventures
explain M&A
explain Strategic Alliances
Wholly owned subsidiary (FDI)
Timing of entry
First-mover advantage
Selecting an Entry Mode
name all modes and explain advantages/disadvantages
Core competence and entry mode
-technological know-how
-management know-how
state the different approach
Greenfield venture
choose Greenfield venture or Acquisition?
Classification of foreign market entry strategies
Which transaction refers to the sale of goods/services produced by a company based in one country to customers that reside in a different one?
Companies are likely to export products abroad in all of the following situations:
name 3
Name 3 examples of property rights that may be licensed to one company from another
a company's location should be flexible enough to?
what is the most likely reason that firms avoid aggressively seeking export opportunities?
explain Internationalization advantage
Explain the primary reason for technology licensing to take place while a product is still in the development stage:
If a company that wants to acquire knowledge most likely use .... as a method for expansion.
The basic risk management process in five steps are?
The four major risks categories are?
Basic risk typologies: Three-layered framework
General environmental risks:
PESTEL-R is a simple framework that helps you systematically identify potential risks in the business environment.
Review the 5
Industry-specific risks:
The industry value chain and its business economics provide a framework for analysis of the industry-specific risk drivers.
the 5-forces are?
Company-specific risks:
The major business functions and/or company value chain elements offer a possible risk areas framework.
There are 9 internal risk areas
Risk assessment matrix
what are the x and y axis?
The global risk landscape 2018 (according to WEF)
the 4 major risks are?
Risks, crises and corporate actions
w8, p26
Risk assessment and corresponding risk response strategies
Financial responses to uncertainties and risks
Strategic responses to uncertainties and risks. name 6 Mitigation Strategies
Five success factors for internationalization through digitalization
Visionary leadership: Four major traits
Global coordination
Coordination by Standardization
Global coordination
Coordination by Plan
Global coordination
Coordination by Mutual Adjustment
In successful companies structure follows strategy..
Basic organizational choices: Differentiation
When organizing for international business, management needs to consider the following three dimensions:
Vertical differentiation:
Premises and Advantages
Archetypes of International Organization:
::International Division::
- foreign markets are to be exploited opportunistically
- Foreign Sales / Total Sales is low -> start of the internationalization
what are the pro&cons?
Archetypes of International Organization
what is this one?
Archetypes of International Organization
what is this one?
Archetypes of International Organization: Geographic (global) area structure
- foreign markets are to be exploited systematically
- regional markets differ strongly from each other
- advantages are achieved regional or local
- high grade of internationalization
what are the pro&cons?
Archetypes of International Organization
what is this one?
Archetypes of International Organization:
::(Worldwide) functional structure::
- Competitive advantages in the global functions
- competitive pressures push for a global strategy
what are the pro&cons?
Archetypes of International Organization
what is this one?
Archetypes of International Organization:
::(Worldwide) product structure::
− Advantage in global product categories or groups
− pressures for local responsiveness are comparatively low
what are the pro&cons?
Archetypes of International Organization: ::Global matrix structure::
- Transnational strategy
- Coordination of product divisions and regional structures needed
what are the pro&cons?
Archetypes of International Organization
what is this one?
Structure reflects strategy for success
which strategy has Pressures for Global Integration and Cost Reduction?
which strategy has Pressures for Local Responsiveness?
What is the organizational architecture that international business use to manage and direct their global operations?
what does organizational structure mean?
name three things
Knowledge network
great strength of it?
ism reader p. 305
Types of control system
name 4
ism reader p. 307
Localization strategy: explain Structure and controls
International strategy: explain Structure and control
Global Standardization strategy:
explain Structure and Control
Transnational Strategy: Explain structure and control
Organizational inertia
name 4 reasons why organizations are difficult to change
ism reader p. 319
Specifying the Value Chain
Explain primary activities:
Specifying the Value Chain
Explain secondary activities:
Domestic Marketing
1. Orientation
2. Product planning
3. marketing mix decisions
w12, p.16
Export Marketing
1. Orientation
2. Product planning
3. marketing mix decisions
w12, p.16
International Marketing
1. Orientation
2. Product planning
3. marketing mix decisions
w12, p.16
Multinational Marketing
1. Orientation
2. Product planning
3. marketing mix decisions
w12, p.17
Global Marketing
1. Orientation
2. Product planning
3. marketing mix decisions
w12, p.17
Two main segmenting approaches
What is the aim of:
Segmenting and targeting on the international markets
Consumer culture brand positioning
1. Global
2. Foreign
3. local
Brand internationalization
name the 4
International Marketing implementation: Product strategy important decisions
International Marketing implementation: Pricing strategy
name the 3
International Marketing implementation: Pricing strategy
what are the three Strategic pricing?
International Marketing implementation: Communication channels
Personal channels like One-to-one, mouth-to-mouth, guerrilla and viral, influencers, own webpage, blog ,social media better when:
International Marketing implementation: Communication channels are Influenced by?