Este Quiz é cronometrado.
Você tem 30 minutos para completar as 16 questões deste quiz..
This surah declares disassociation from Shirk Choose the Right Answer
Surah Maun
Surah Lahab
Surah kafirun
The Messenger of Allah( pbuh ) recited Surah Kafirun and Surah Ikhkas in which prayer Choose the right answer
Sunnah of Fajr and Magrib
Last two rakah of witr
Sunnah of Zuhr and Isha
Surah Nasr is a Madani Surah (True or False)
Surah Nasr also known as the Farewell Surah. (True or False)
The Message of Surah Lahab is opposing the Prophet and the Deen results in absolute failure in both the worlds (True or False)
Abu Lahab and his wife Umm Jameel were related to the Prophet( pbuh ) How ? Choose the Right Answer
Abu Lahab was the paternal uncle of the Prophet( pbuh )
Two daughters of the Prophet( pbuh ) were married to the two sons of Abu Lahab
Abu Lahab was also the neighbors of the Prophet( pbuh )
How did Abu lahab oppose the Prophet( pbuh ) Choose the Right Answer
Despite being the uncle of the Prophet( pbuh ),he violated the tribal system
Abu Lahab asked both his sons to devorce both the daughters of the Prophet.
At night Umm Jameel would keep thorns at the doorsteps of the Prophet( pbuh )
Name the two Names of Allah mentioned in Surah Ikhlas
AR Rahman
As Samad
AL Ahad
What does Ahad mean? Choose the Right Answer
Allah is One
No one shares with Him, His status, His Being, His Attributes, His Actions
Allah is Unique
What does Samad mean ? Choose the Right Answer
Allah is Firm, Permanent, Perfect, Strong
Allah is Eternal
The entire creation relies on Allah
What is the solution to Phobias and Fear of Darkness and the unseen ? Choose the Right Answer
Seek Allah' s Protection
Always stay at home
At night, switch on the light and sleep
How do we seek Allah's Protection ? Choose the Right Answer
Recite Surah Falaq and Surah An Nas before going to bed
Recite the surahs in the morning and evening
Recite the surahs after every Fard Salah
What is the evil of the creation we need to sought protection Choose the Right answer
Our own Nafs
Anyone or Anything that causes fear in our hearts
Surah Nas Ayah 1 -2 teach us Choose the Right Answer
Do not fear the People
Allah is the one who created people
Seek protection in Allah, as He is the One in control of the people
How does Shaytan attack us Choose the right answer
He whispers very gently, sneaks in and out
He whispers into the hearts
If he is unsuccessful in attacking us, he inspires the people around us , thus attacks us through our close loved ones.
Beware of Jealousy, jealousy eats up your good deeds like fire eats up firewood. (True or False)