Criado por Jaimie Shah
mais de 11 anos atrás
RF for CAD
Significant family history for CAD
define pleuritic pain and what are the causes?
what causes positional changes in pain?
Chest pain on palpation?
ischemic HD diagnosis and tx
Most accurate test for ischemic HD?
Cardiac and muscle enzymes
When do we do a chemical stress test?
When do I do a stress echo?
Define ACS
Treatment of ACS
Thrombolytics and primary angioplasty and mortality
When do you do urgent angioplasty?
When to give thrombolytics?
Do BB lower mortality and when is the best time to given them in relation to episode of CP?
what type of patients do ACE/ARBs lower mortality?
Which medications given in ACS will lower mortality?
Which ACS medications lower mortality in certain conditions?
Which ACS medications do not lower mortality?
When should plavix be used?
When in ACS do we use CCB instead?
When is a pacemaker the answer for acute MI?
when is lidocaine or amiodarone needed in acute MI?
Cardiogenic shock basics
Valve rupture basics
Septal rupture basics
Myocardial wall rupture basics
Sinus brady basics
Complete heart block basics
RV infarct basics
How long does patient wait to have sex after an MI?
abiciximab has great benefit in STEMI (t/f)
Medications used in stable angina?
what is the difference between saphenous vein graft and internal mammary artery graft?
what are the indications of CABG?
what are the CAD equivalents?
LDL goal in patient with CAD?
LDL goal in patients with DM and CAD
Other risk factors for LDL management?
SE of statins?
review calculating LDL goals
Most COMMON cause of ED after MI?
Test that should be ordered for Pulm edema and CHF on CCS?
When to use Digoxin?
Most patients with pulm edema do well with preload reduction (lasix, o2, nitrates, morphine) but if on CCS they cont have SOB after these meds what do you give?
Acute pulm edema assoc with new onset VT with a pulse, afib, aflutter,SVT what is the best therapy?
Hemodynamic changes seen on R heart cath secondary to pulm edema
what should all patients with pulm edema now stabalized have done?
What is the further management of chronic systolic CHF?
What is the further management of diastolic CHF?
when and why do we put a implantable defibrilator/cardioverter in patients?
when is a biventricular pacer the answer in CHF?
When do we use coumadin in CHF patients?
what is an absolute contraindication for BB use?
Valvular disease in young female in general population
valvular heart disease in healthy young athlete
Valvular HD in a pregnant woman or immigrant
Valvular HD in turner's syndrome and with coarctation of aorta
Valvular HD with palpitations, atypical chest pain not with exertion
Systolic murmurs
diastolic murmurs
What increases intensity of right sided murmurs
What increases intensity of Left sided murmurs
What does squatting and lifting the legs do or blood return to the heart?
what does valsalva and standing up do to venous return to the heart
How does valsalva decrease venous return
which murmurs increase in intensity with squatting and leg raise
which murmurs decrease in intensity with squatting and leg raise
which murmurs decrease in intensity with standing and Valsalva
which murmurs increase in intensity with standing and valsalva
How does handgrip affect murmurs
How does Amyl nitrate effect murmurs?
How does Handgrip effect MVP and HOCM
How does Amyl effect MVP and HOCM
How does hand grip effects AS
How does amyl nitrate effect AS
Amyl nitrate and Handgrip effect on MS
where is AS best heard
Where are pulmonic murmurs heard best
Where best to hear AR, tricuspid Murmurs, and VSD
where is MR heard the best
Murmur intensity scoring
Dx tests of murmurs
Treatment of Regurgitant lesions
Treatment of stenotic lesions
If valsalva improves the mumur due to decreased venous return what medication is indicated
If amyl nitrate improves the murmur by decreasing afterload what medication is indicated
AS dx tests
Valve replacement in AS
Causes of AR
special PE findings in AR
MS causes and presentation
Murmur of MS
Tx of MS
MR murmur
MR treatment
VSD basics
ASD basics
fixed split A2
Paradoxical, A2 delayed
Widened S2, delayed P2
DCM dx
Causes and tx of DCM
HOCM basics
RCM basics
RCM dx
Pericardial disease Dx
Tx of pericarditis
Presentation of Pericardial Tamponade
Tamponade Dx and Tx
Constrictive pericarditis presentation
Constrictive pericarditis dx
tx of constrictive pericarditis
Dx of dissection of thoracic aorta
Tx of aortic dissection (thorax)
AAA screening and screening tests
Spinal stenosis presentation
Dx test for PAD
Tx of PAD
if get a patient that presents with afib order the following
tx of afib (unstable)
tx of afib (stable)
CHADS score (risk of stroke in patients with AFIB)
afib and aflutter treated the same way
when to use BB in afib or aflutter
when to use CCB in afib or aflutter
when to use digoxin in afib and aflutter
Presentation of MAT
SVT presentation
tx of SVT (unstable)
tx of SVT (stable)
WPW presentation
WPW dx
what to give a patient is SVT or VT from WPW
best long term therapy for WPW
VT presentation
tx of VT (stable)
tx of VT (unstable)
Vfib presentation
Tx of Vfib
Sudden LOC
Gradual LOC
sudden regain of consciousness
gradual regain of conciousness
Cardiac exam after LOC
diagnostic tests with LOC
if ventricular dysrhythmia causes syncope what does the patient need