Criado por Jeimar Zeth
aproximadamente 5 anos atrás
What is the cadence for a 30-inch step?
On what foot is "Rear March" called?
To whom is a salute presented?
What are the 4 positions of rest?
With what hand is "Present Arms" given?
At what position can you move your head?
Who is the Battalion S.A.I.?
Who is the Battalion A.I.?
Who is YOUR Company First Sergeant?
Who is YOUR Company Commander?
Who is the Battalion Commander?
Who is the Command Sergeant Major?
Who is the President of the United States?
Who is the Secretary of Defense?
Who is the TRADOC Commander?
Who is the Secretary of the Army?
What are the 3 types of flags and how big are they?
What does the blue in the U.S. flag represent?
What does the white in the U.S. flag represent?
What does the red in the U.S. flag represent?
When may the flag be flown at night?
When is the flag flown upside down?
When is the flag flown at half-staff?
Define Leadership.
What is the key to success?
What is the mission of JROTC?
What are the winning colors?
What does LDRSHIP stand for?
Define Teamwork?
What does the gold star mean on the uniform?
What is the measurement of the star to the nameplate?