Criado por Amal S
quase 10 anos atrás
What is weathering?
What is chemical weathering?
Why is rainwater acidic?
What are the two types of physical weathering?
What is onion skin weathering?
What is freeze-thaw action?
What is biological weathering ?
How can plants cause biological weathering?
What is erosion?
What is abrasion?
What is sediment?
How are sedimentary rocks formed?
How are fossils formed?
What are rocks made of?
What are grains made of?
What does porous mean?
What does interlocking mean?
What kinds of rock are easily susceptible to chemical weathering?
What is magma?
What is a parasitic cone?
What is a sill?
What is a vent?
What is a flank?
What is lava?
What is a crater?
What is a conduit?
What is a summit?
What is a throat?
What is ash?
What is an ash cloud?
What does sulphur dioxide do?
How are igneous rocks formed?
What is extrusive igneous rock?
What is intrusive igneous rock?
Why is there a difference in the size of crystals in different rocks?