Criado por Max Chadaev
quase 5 anos atrás
Professor Maple’s intelligent students completed and turned in their homework.
Megan and Ron ate too much and felt sick.
The shoplifter had stolen clothes, so he ran once he saw the police.
They spoke to him in Spanish, but he responded in English.
After eating lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, Tim went to the gym to exercise.
The woman who taught Art History 210 was fired for stealing school supplies.
After the two soccer players lost their game, they joined their other teammates for lunch, and they went to the movies.
The man believed in the system, and he knew that justice would prevail after the
murderer was sent to jail.
Biking without a helmet is dangerous; it can lead to serious injuries.
Karen loved to listen to music, though her parents didn't allow it.