Criado por Katherine Andras
quase 5 anos atrás
What is a force?
What unit of measurement is used for force?
What is friction?
What are the two factors that affect the force of friction?
What causes friction?
What direction does friction move when an object is moving?
What are the 4 types of friction?
What does fluid mean?
What is gravity?
What is the law of universal gravitation?
What two factors affect the force of gravity?
What is weight?
What is mass?
What unit of measurement is used to measure mass?
What unit of measurement is used to measure weight?
What is the difference between weight and mass?
What is free fall?
When an object is in free fall, at what rate do all objects accelerate because of the force of gravity on Earth?
What is air resistance?
What affects the amount of air resistance that acts on an object?
What is terminal velocity?
What is a projectile?
What happens when you drop an object and an object is thrown horizontally forward at the same time?