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When people does not support one another, they are separate, they are strong. Focus will be lost if arguments ensue.
If the fear does not change a persons actions, then that fear is not sufficient. For ibadah, one must have fear and hope.
What is the root word and meaning of كَدَأْبَ ?
د أ ب - tha’b is to walk constantly.
د أ ب - tha’b is to run constantly.
د أ ب - tha’b is to jump constantly.
What is the root word and meaning of فَأَخَذَهـُمُ ?
أخ ذ - so seized them
أخ ذ - so hit them
When should a person adopt silence?
There are three times in particular when a person must adopt silence: 1)when the quran is being recited 2)when the janazah is taking place..when the deceased is being placed in the grave 3)when facing the enemy
There are three times in particular when a person must adopt silence: 1)when the quran is being recited 2)when the janazah is taking place..when the deceased is being placed in the grave 3)when there is no enemy
What did mushrikeen brought with them ?
The mushrikeen had brought with them musical instruments, dancing girls, and haram food.
The mushrikeen did not brought with them musical instruments, dancing girls, and haram food.
Who are the hypocrites?
he hypocrites refer to those who later proved to be munafiqoon. At this point, their nifaaq was not evident.
Others have said that here it referes to those who became muslim but did not migrate from makkah to madinah. When abu jahl came to fight against the muslims, he brought these people with him. When they saw the muslims small in number compared to the mushrikeen, they said negatively of the muslims
Those who have a disease in the heart is referring to the jews of madinah
What is discussed in ayah 51?
In this ayah, the souls of the disbelievers are discussed, as how they were punished. When the angel of death attends the believer at the time of death he comes in a terrifying state
In this ayah, the souls of the disbelievers are discussed, as how they were punished. When the angel of death attends the disbeliever at the time of death he comes in a terrifying state