Criado por Max Schnidman
aproximadamente 5 anos atrás
Choice Structure
Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference (Choice Structure)
Preference Relations
Arrow's Theorem
Relation between WARP and Rationality
Monotone Preferences
Strictly Monotone Preferences
Local nonsatiation
Indifference Curves
Convexity of Preferences
Homothetic Preferences
Quasilinear Preferences
Continuous Preferences
Lexiographic Preferences
Utility Function
Marginal Rate of Stubstitution
Relations between Preferences and Utility Functions
Separable Preferences
Strongly Separable Preferences
Additive Preferences
Quasi-linear Utility
Budget Set
Utility Maximization Problem
Marshallian/Walrasian Demand
Indirect Utility Function
Properties of U()
Properties of Indirect Utility
Properties of Walrasian Demand
Roy's Identity
Expenditure Minimization Problem
Hicksian (Compensated) Demand
Expenditure Function
Properties of Expenditure Function
Shephard's Lemma for EMP
Dualities of Consumer Theory
Money Metric Utility Function
Money-Metric Indirect Utility Function
Normal Good
Inferior Good
Luxury Good
Necessity Good
Homothetic Preferences in Utility
Law of Demand
Giffen Good
Slutsky Equation
Substitute Goods
Complement Goods
Slutsky Substitution Matrix
Equivalent Variation
Compensating Variation
Change in Consumer Surplus
Relationship between measures of Welfare Evaluation for normal goods
Laspeyres Index
Passche Index
Aggregate Demand (Consumer Theory)
Gorman Form
Social Welfare Function
Direct Revealed Preference
Strictly Direct Revealed Preference
Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference (Preference Relations)
Indirect Revealed Preference
Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference
Afirat's Theorem
Compound Lotteries
Properties of Lotteries
Preferences over Lotteries
Expected Utility
Von-Neumann Morgensterm Theorem
Properties of expected utility
Risk Aversion/Jensen's Inequality
Risk Loving
Risk Premium
Coefficient of Absolute Risk Aversion
More Risk Averse
Declining Absolute Risk Aversion
Coefficient of Relative Risk Aversion
Insurance Problem
First-Order Stochastic Dominance
Second-Order Stochastic Dominance
Portfolio Problem for safe and risky asset
Assumptions of Producer Theory
Properties of Production Sets
Nonincreasing returns to scale
Nondecreasing returns to scale
Constant returns to scale
Convexity of production sets
Transformation Function
Marginal Rate of Transformation (MRT)
Input Requirement Set
Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution (MRTS)
Homogeneous function
Homothetic function
Elasticity of substitution
Elasticity of complementarity
Profit maximization problem
Profit function
Supply correspondence
Weak Axiom of Profit Maximization