is the literacy program for urban sexworkers in south Asia
are the warrior caste among the Yanomami.
are the most oppressed social category in India.
are an example of an age set
A key difference between caste and social class is...
class divides people in terms of biological relatedness, caste in terms of biological relatedness, caste in terms of social relatedness
class divides people in terms of achieved moral purity, caste in socioeconomics
caste divides people in terms of socially constructed status such as moral purity, class in socioeconomic terms
caste and class are equally forms of achieved status
The passage of initiative 940 in Washington State or the 1950 Constitutional prohibition of untouchability in India, both demonstrate...
that all racist people use the criteria of skin color of skin color to judge others
that legislative changes are an important first step in ending discrimination, but that all aspects of culture also need to change
that changes in discriminatory behavior are solely based on privileged people replacing achieved status with ascribed status
All of these
In the short film 'I'm Dalit' what did the girl aspiring to be a doctor learn in school?
That manual scavenging was associated with disease
that her caste was considered polluting to her peers
that the Indian constitution guaranteed her equal rights
Privileged members of a society are usually ___ their privilege.
unaware of
burdened by
consciously promoting
all of the above
The concept of clientage, in Bolivia, a sugar cane cutting (zafrero) father is likely to seek a compadre who...
Is his boss 09 'patron'
is his best friend from childhood
his co-worker
is willing to marry his wife if he dies
What is the term for the flawed system of classification, with no specific basis , that uses certain physical characteristics to divide the human population into supposedly discrete groups?
Anthropologist typically classified groups of people related on grounds other than kinship as
A social group
An ethnicity
A clan
Despite wide teaching about explicit discrimination against Japanese-Americans during the World War II internment,
microagression against Japanese Americans is the prominent suffering caused by racism in Washington State
the current ICE detention of DACA residents indicates that history repeats itself
the ICE activities in Washington State are best categorized as political ecology
naturalization solves ethnic tensions
Despite wide teaching about explicit discrimination against Japanese-Americans during the World War II internment which society is based on sharing of resources to ensure group success and has relatively low hierarchy and violence?
Statistics on gun violence in the US are impaired by the Dickey Amendment but will still observe that the majority of gun deaths are violent towards one's self in the form of suicide
Disparities explain a Native American woman's experience with breast cancer, if, her living in a rural setting prevented her from getting routine mammography resulting in delayed diagnosis of more advanced stage cancer
the theoretical approach discussed in lecture which medical anthropologists understand how political economy structures Health Systems and health is known as...
Interpretive ethnography
Critical medical anthropology
Holistic approach
Post World Bank president Jim Yong Kim was selected because he brings what skills to managing Global capitalist economic development
training as an M.D.
the holistic approach to anthropology
Applied experience delivering medicine in developed and developing counrties
All of the above, and notably he is not a traditional economist
Medical anthropologist Nancy Schepler-Hughes uncovered a large criminal network engaged in the black market sale of...
body parts
illegal drugs
When a Kallawaya shaman examined the entrails of a guinea pig, to diagnose the supernatural causation of illness it is called...
The Andean Kallawaya is a medical model that looks for imbalance in Soul or fat, this is classified as ___.
boiling energy
anthropological perspective health and illness...
be objectively measured by doctors with the right equipment
form of straightforward concept well understood by physicians
are stable and unchanging across the world
have much variation throughout different cultures and societies
The process of viewing or treating as a medical concern, conditions such as birthing, that were not previously understood as medical problems is called medicalization
studying how different cultures use plants in healthcare and curing is known as ...
breast milk offers___ which is/are missing from alternative infant foods such as formula
DHA and fatty acids
antibodies specific to the maternal enviornment
paternity certainty
indecent exposure