Este Quiz é cronometrado.
Você tem 30 minutos para completar as 31 questões deste quiz..
Reciting the Quran is the first step required, in attaining the knowledge of the Quran. (True or False)
When we disbelief in Allah and His commands, the love of duniya is made to settle in our hearts, as a punishment. (True or False)
(Ayah 94) encourages the Bani Israel to wish for death, therefore we are also commanded to wish for death. (True or False )
( Ayah 94 ) refutes the claims of the Bani Israel that Jannah is exclusively for them. (True or False)
We should pray for a short life. (True or False)
We should make the most of the life given to us, it is the quality that matters not quantity. (True or False)
The process of wahy was done by Angel Michael. (True or False)
The Quran is for the mind, if the intellect submits, only then you accept. (True or False)
The Quran is Huda as it guides us from the darkness of ignorance towards the light of knowledge. (True or False)
If studying the Quran comes as a burden, then it surely is a sign of weak Iman. (True or False)
To hate the beloved ones of Allah, is a means of attaining Allah's hatred. (True or False)
A fasiq is one who crosses his limits for the love of Allah. (True or False)
The Bani Israel supported the believers by abiding with the Treaty of Madinah. (True or False)
Breaking promises is a sign of weak Iman. (True or False)
The Bani Israel threw their scriptures behind their backs, so has the ummah of Muhammad( pbuh ) (True or False)
Not following the commands, not seeking the rulings, not studying ,not giving the priority to Quran, are ways of throwing it behind our backs. (True or False)
Practicing magic is kufur. (True or False)
Sulaiman( as) did not do kufar but the shayateen did. (True or False)
Sihr is an effect, whose cause is known. (True or False)
Tricks are also magic. (True or False)
Magic is done by offering sacrifice to the evil jinn and in return the jinn helps. (True or False)
One who offers sacrifice to the Jinns is committing shirk. (True or False)
Harut and Marut are also shayateen as they taught magic to the people. (True or False )
Harut and Marut were Angels sent by Allah as Fitna to the Bani Israel. (True or False)
Fitna is that thrill, excitement, temptation ,glitter that prevents a person from the obedience to Allah. (True or False)
Learning and Teaching magic is kufur. (True or False)
Magic does not harm a home, family and the society. (True or False )
True knowledge is acting upon the knowledge. (True or False)
If you are affected by magic then you must go to a magician for the cure. (True or False )
Magic does not harm a person except by the will of Allah. (True or False)
Only Iman and Taqwa will protect us from the fitna. (True or false)