Eleanor garvey
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Test I: 30 Test II: 65, 102, 106, 146 Test III: 71, 101, 126 Test IV: 53, 67, 83 Test V: 41, 143, 149 Test VI: 77, 103, 106, 119, 138 Vignette 7

Eleanor garvey
Criado por Eleanor garvey quase 5 anos atrás

Forensic Psychiatry pt.1

Questão 1 de 14


Test 1 Question 30. You are asked as a psychiatrist to determine if a patient has the capacity to make a will. To make the will, which one of the following does the patient not have to prove to you?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • He knows that he is making a will

  • He knows how the will distributes his property

  • He knows the nature of the property to be distributed

  • He knows who will inherit the property

  • He understands court procedure


Questão 2 de 14


Test 2 Question 65. Which one of the following is false concerning the right to die and surrogate decision-making?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Patients who believe that continuing treatment would lessen their quality of life have the right to demand that treatment be withheld or withdrawn

  • Advanced directives or a living will are a way for patients to express their preferences before anything happens that would cause them to lose capacity

  • If a patient leaves no clear instructions, the state will carry out a course of action to protect and preserve human life

  • Surrogate decision-makers can be appointed by the patient or the courts

  • The standard of substituted judgment means that the surrogate will do whatever is in the patient’s best interests


Questão 3 de 14


Test 2 Question 102. Which one of the following is not necessary for a patient to be declared competent to stand trial?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Understanding of the nature of the charges against him or her

  • Not having a mental illness

  • Having the ability to consult a lawyer

  • Helping the lawyer in his defense

  • Understanding of court procedure


Questão 4 de 14


Test 2 Question 106. Which ruling determined that the physician–patient relationship imposes an obligation on the psychiatrist for care and safety of the patient and others?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Wyatt vs Stickney

  • Durham vs the United States

  • O’Connor vs Donaldson

  • Tarasoff vs Regents of the University of California

  • Clites vs State


Questão 5 de 14


Test 2 Question 146. A team comprising a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, nurse, and medical student discharges a patient because the insurance will no longer pay for her stay. She kills herself. Who will be held legally responsible for the team’s actions?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The medical student

  • The psychologist

  • The social worker

  • The nurse

  • The psychiatrist


Questão 6 de 14


Test 3 Question 71. When should advanced directives be discussed with a patient?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • At a time when the patient is competent

  • When admitted to the hospital

  • When a question of capacity arises

  • When the patient is in pre-op

  • When in the outpatient office


Questão 7 de 14


Test 3 Question 101. Which one of the following is not necessary to be found competent to stand trial?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Ability to understand the charges

  • Ability to consult with a lawyer

  • Ability to process information related to the case

  • Ability to communicate with an attorney

  • Ability to recognize the symptoms of their own mental illness


Questão 8 de 14


Test 3 Question 126. The psychiatrist’s right to maintain a patient’s secrecy in the face of a subpoena is known as:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Privilege

  • Confidentiality

  • Communication rights

  • Private rights

  • Clinical responsibility


Questão 9 de 14


Test 4 Question 53. A psychiatrist keeps a medical chart as well as a separate set of psychotherapy notes for one of her patients. The patient’s records are subpoenaed by a court. Which of the following is true?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The medical chart only must be turned over to the court

  • Both the medical chart and the psychotherapy notes must be turned over to the court

  • Only the psychotherapy notes should be turned over to the court

  • Neither record should be turned over unless a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) release is signed by the patient

  • The psychotherapy notes should be turned over to the court only if specifically subpoenaed


Questão 10 de 14


Test 3 Question 67. A physician who has reason to believe a patient may kill or injure another person must notify the potential victim, authorities, or the victim’s family or friends. This is the result of which one of the following answer choices?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Durham rule

  • M’Naghten rule

  • Ford v. Wainwright

  • Tarasoff rule

  • Respondeat superior


Questão 11 de 14


Test 3 Question 83. Which one of the following terms refers to the state’s right to intervene and act as a surrogate parent for those who cannot care for themselves?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Actus reus

  • Mens rea

  • Parens patriae

  • Durable power

  • Respondeat superior


Questão 12 de 14


Test 5 Question 41. A psychiatrist and a psychologist are sharing care for the same patient. In addition the patient is also seeing a nurse in their clinic. There is a negative outcome in the case and the patient decides to sue for malpractice. Who is ultimately held responsible?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The psychologist

  • The psychiatrist

  • The organization that owns the clinic

  • The nurse

  • The patient


Questão 13 de 14


Test 5 Question 143. Which of the following statements concerning psychiatrists and suicide is most accurate?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The law imposes liability on the psychiatrist whenever a patient commits suicide

  • A psychiatrist is expected to foresee all possible harm that may come to a patient

  • The law views suicide as predictable in all cases

  • No Harm contracts are dependable legal protection for the psychiatrist

  • Psychiatrists must document risk assessment and appropriate interventions to meet the standard of care when treating a suicidal patient


Questão 14 de 14


Test 5 Question 149. Which one of the following is false regarding HIPAA?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Authorization must be obtained for release of health information except for routine uses such as provider payment or health care operations

  • Patients must have access to written notice of their privacy rights

  • Patients have a right to know how their protected information is kept and disclosed

  • Patients have a right to copies of their medical record

  • Patients may control who receives their information but not how the information is communicated
