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What's TAWdis?
It is a tool to subtitle little movies.
It is a website which offers different products related to accessibility.
It is a webinar tool.
It is an academic style to write articles and book chapters.
With Microsoft Forms...
you can either create a form to collect feedback from different respondents or a questionnaire (test) to evaluate your students.
you can only create qualitative forms to receive feedback from users (in opposition to Google Forms).
there is no way to create and manage forms in collaboration.
you have the possibility to create them from a mobile phone, with an app.
Why is it that some times, when you try to access the form created by someone else, you have to type for Google ID and password?
Because probably the creator copied and pasted the URL fro the edition view instead of taking the view form one.
Because it is the only way to complete a Google Form from a mobile phone.
This could not happen.
Because only Google users can complete this sort of forms.
Mind maps can be created with ...
Mind Manager
All these three options
What is a node?
In a mind map, a node is each of the branches that part from the main topic.
In a corpus, a node is similar to a category.
It is a sort of variable applied to quantitative studies.
It is a type of condition applied to certain hypotheses.
With ExLibrix, we can search within ...
conferences proceedings
the three already mentioned options and many other sorts of resources
What's eBuned?
It is the name of the electronic office of the UNED.
It is a sort of publishing license.
It is a an ebook format.
It is a platform used to readbooks, where you can even find books published by the UNED.
LION is a Literature database where you can find...
poetry, prose and drama primary works.
authors' bibliographies and criticism.
criticism, primary texts, author pages and reference works.
Information about English authors and their works.
The best way of adding new references and inserting in-text references with Mendeley in your work is ...
using its web version.
using the tablet version.
is using the desktop version.
is using the smartphone version.
What do you have to do to migrate references from RefWorks to Mendeley?
Exporting references to one of the formats compatible with Mendeley from Refworks and adding them later from Mendeley to the desired folder once you have selected the right file in your computer.
Just sending them from RefWorks to Mendeley with the right option.
Moving one by one the references from RefWorks to Mendeley.
Exporting references to one of the formats compatible with RefWorks from Mendeley and adding them later from RefWorks to the desired folder once you have selected the right file in your computer.
How can you edit a Word document in a Teams environment?
using Teams app.
using Microsoft Word.
using the web Teams version.
the three options are correct.
Can you read a full-text article at Research Gate?
Yes, if you have an account.
No, if you are not enrolled in a public university.
Yes, if you are working as a University teacher or researcher.
Yes, if you have the Premium account.
What cannot you do with a Twitter message?
re-tweet it.
reply it, so that everybody can see your response.
re-tweet it with comments.
edit it.
You can use channels to distinguish different conversations at...
What's the
It is a professional CoP to share information about linguistics.
It is a list of famous linguists.
It is the raking of the most important fields of linguistics.
It is a network where students can find notes to prepare their linguistics exams.
What's CALICO?
It is an international association of teachers who teach English through technology (based in the US).
It is an international association of teachers who teach English through technology (based in the UK).
It is an international association of teachers who teach English through technology (based in Europe).
It is an international association of teachers of Literature, based in the US.
Hangouts is ...
a Google+ application to hold online meetings.
a tool consisting of an online board to create mind maps collaboratively.
a tool to create presentations.
a game to learn vocabulary in English
What is .BibTex?
an extension used to save and manage bibliographic references.*
a tool to read RSS.
a CoP of students of English as a foreign language.
proprietary software to digitalise texts.
contains studies in Language and Literature, Applied Linguistics, History and other disciplines related to English Studies (among other disciplines).
is a database which not available at UNED nowadays.
is a corpora tool offered by free on the Internet.
a tool to manage your bibliographic references.
Luminarium is...
an online anthology of and guide to English Literature from the Medieval period onwards.
a database to find publications from the Old English to the Reinacence Era.
an online anthology which includes North American texts from the Puritan Era to the 19th cent.
digitalised collection of Medieval texts.