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Yasmin  Page
Mapa Mental por , criado more than 1 year ago

Mapa Mental sobre Network, criado por Yasmin Page em 17-01-2020.

Yasmin  Page
Criado por Yasmin Page aproximadamente 5 anos atrás
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2 comentários

almost 5 years ago
great work yasmin:)
almost 5 years ago
so great
Networkdisadvantagesadvantagessharing devicessuch as printerssaves moneysite licences are likelyto be cheaper thanbuying severalstandalone licencesfiles can easilybe sharedbetween usersnetwork users cancommunicate byemail and instantmessengerdata is easy to backupas all the data is storedon the file serversecurity is good - userscannot see other users'files unlike onstand-alone machinesviruses can spreadto other computersthroughout acomputer networkpurchasing the networkcabling and file serverscan be expensivethere is a danger ofhacking, particularly withwide area networksmanaging a large network iscomplicated, requires trainingand a network manager usuallyneeds to be employedBus Topologyadvantagesfast (low chance ofcollisions)it is easy to set up,handle, and implementlow chance of catastrophicfailure (a broken cable onlytakes out one computer, therest of the network is fine)disadvantagesthe cable length islimited. this limits thenumber of networknodes that beconnected.each device on the networksees all the being transmitted,thus posing a security risk.it is heavily dependenton the central bus. afault in the bus leads tonetwork failure.Ring Topologyadvantagesthe traffic isunidirectional and thedata transmission is highspeedin comparison to abus, a ring isbetter at handlingloadthe configuration makes iteasy to identify faults innetwork nodesdisadvantagesthe failure of a single node inthe network can cause theentire network to failthe movement or changes made tonetwork nodes affect the entirenetwotk's performancethere is heavydependency on the wireconnecting the networknodes in the ringIP Addresscomputers on a networkalso need an address toidentify themwhen a computer is added to anetwork it is assigned an IPAddressthe IP Address is unique valueassigned to each computer ona networkeach IP address on anetwork must beuniquethe IP Address is a 32-bit binaryvalue. this means its made up32 1s and 0sClique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico