The solar system is the Sun and the objects that travel around it including the 9 10 8( 9, 10, 8 ) planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each of the planets follow an oval-shaped path around the sun earth moon( sun, earth, moon ) which is called the planet's orbit. Many of the planets also have moons which are celestial objects that orbit another body in space. Finally, there is also an asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter containing irregularly shaped objects called asteroids.
All living things need food and energy to survive. The food-making and energy process for plants to survive is called transpiration photosynthesis respiration( transpiration, photosynthesis, respiration ) Plants make food and produce carbondioxide oxygen nitrogen( carbondioxide, oxygen, nitrogen ) through photosynthesis. The process is complex but with the sun, biscuit water burger seeds( biscuit, water, burger, seeds ) nutrients from the soil, oxygen, and chlorophyll, a plant makes its own food in order to survive.
Magnet has a north south east west( north, south, east, west ) and south pole. The north pole of a magnet will attract repel none of these( attract, repel, none of these ) the south pole of a magnet. The north pole of a magnet will attract repel both attract and repel( attract, repel, both attract and repel ) the north pole of a magnet, and the south pole will repel the south pole. In short, like poles repel, and unlike poles attract.
water air land( water, air, land )_ pollution is made up of gases, dust, odors, particles, smoke, fumes, and other substances which can be harmful to animals plants human( animals, plants, human )animals, plants, and all living organisms.
The giant yellow ball in the sky is the moon star sun( moon, star, sun ). At any given time throughout each day the Sun is shining, and it is day time somewhere. The Sun gives off sound heat( sound, heat ) provides energy for living things, and can be used to provide electrical mechanical sound solar( electrical, mechanical, sound, solar ) power for electricity. The Sun appears to be moving across the sky as it shines throughout the day. As the Sun shines, the shadows change, and soon the day will come to ends it. Finally, in the evening the Sun seems to disappear as it becomes dark.
Many animals hunt to find food. Those they hunt are called their prey. The prey predator( prey, predator ) wants to hide from the prey predator( prey, predator ) They want to make themselves look different from what they are and blend in with their surroundings. This blending in is called hiberation migration camouflage( hiberation, migration, camouflage )
The diet of each animal species determines whether they are herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. Animals that eat only plants are called carnivores omnivores herbivores( carnivores, omnivores, herbivores ) animals that eat animal flesh or meat are called herbivore carnivores omnivores( herbivore, carnivores, omnivores )and animals that eat both plants and animals are herbivores carnivores omnivores( herbivores, carnivores, omnivores ). Most human beings are omnivores.
A Molar Canine Premolar( Molar, Canine, Premolar ) tooth is a pointed, cone-shaped tooth used for biting and chewing. Molar Premolar Canine( Molar, Premolar, Canine ), are used for crushing and grinding plants.
The life cycle of a honey bee is made up of four stages: pupa egg adult larva( pupa, egg, adult, larva )_, egg larva pupa adult( egg, larva, pupa, adult ) egg adult pupa larva( egg, adult, pupa, larva ) and larva egg adult pupa( larva, egg, adult, pupa )
Elephants live in the forest home park( forest, home, park ) African elephants live south of the Sahara Desert, in central and west Africa and in Mali. They are carnivore herbivore omnivore( carnivore, herbivore, omnivore ) animals. They use their tail skin tusk( tail, skin, tusk ) to dig up roots and strip the bark off trees. An adult elephant can eat as much as three hundred pounds of food a day.