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Juan Quezada González
Mapa Mental por , criado more than 1 year ago

Mapa Mental sobre Social Contract, criado por Juan Quezada González em 04-02-2020.

Juan Quezada González
Criado por Juan Quezada González quase 5 anos atrás
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Social Contract1.3. The right of thestrongestBook 1.1. The subject of the first book1.4.Slavery1.2. The first societies1.5. We must always go back to a first agreement1.7. Thesoveign1.6. The Socialcompact1.8 The civil state1.9. Real StateFamilies are the first natural societies.Only Natural Socity is familyFamily is similar to political socities.Avistotle said "Every man born in slavery is born for slovery"."force mode the 1st slaves and cowardic made them stay slaves"obedience into dutyThe stongest is never strong enough to be always the master unless he transforms"Force is the phisical tower; I don't see what moral effect it can have".Stregth into rightGiving way to forcé is something you have to do, not something you choose to do; or if you that choicce comes into it, this at most an act of prudenceMan is born free.The social order doesn't come from natureIt's based on agreementsFather=rulerchildren= peopleIf someone sell themselves, it's just them not their childrenNo man is born being "move" tan any other.Slaves don't give themselves, they sellThis Price doesn't include enough to surviveThey may be comfortable, but that doesn't mean agood life.Clique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico