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clem .
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Made by : Clement Limuel

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clem .
Criado por clem . aproximadamente 5 anos atrás
PiscesCLASSIFICATIONAgnatha (JawlessFishes)Chondrichthyes(CartilaginousFishes)Osteichthyes (BonyFish)CHARACTERISCTICSThey use gills forrespiration.The body is usually streamlined.Some have a spindle-shaped orelongated body as well.The internal skeletonis bony orcartilaginous.The nervous system comprises ofthe brain and ten pairs of the cranialnerves.They are Ectothermic, whichmeans they're cold bloodedanimalsGroup of fish that haveskeletons primarilycomposed of bone tissue,as opposed to cartilage.SalmonGroup of fishes that haveskeletons made ofcartilage rather than boneThe Great White SharkGroup of fishes with asuctorial or filter-feedingmouth; no true jawsActinopterygii (Ray-finnedFIshes)Sarcopterygii (Lobe-finnedFishes)Elasmobranchii ( Sharks,Rays, and Skates)Holocephali (TheChimeras)CyclostomesOstracoderms(Extinct)LampreyLimblesscold-bloodedvertebrate animalwith gills and finsand living wholly inwater.Clique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico