All bacteria has cell wall except....
what are structures inside the cell wall of the bacteria ....
what are the structures outside the bacterial cell wall
essential (basic)components in every bacterial cell....
what is the main component of the bacterial cell wall ???
why is peptidoglycan layer is so rigid? Explain.
what is the structure of the peptidoglycan?
what are the componenets of G+ cell wall structure???
what's the % of ppgs in g+?
and how many sheets are they?
what's the structure of the techoic acid?
what's the function of techoic acid and in what cell is it?
what's the structure of G-???
% of ppgs in G-?
and how many sheets??
what are the components of G- outer membrane?
what's fucnction of Inner lipid in G-?
what's the function of Somatic O ag?
what's the function of the OM in G-???
what's the periplasmic space??
what's the functuon of rhe cell wall in bacteria???