Criado por Eilif Johansen
mais de 9 anos atrás
Hawkins's block
Bodystorming as an approach
Boundaries of time and space
Location-based mobile games and hybrid spaces
Ubiquitous mobile/computing
Mobiles and connected relationships (different levels)
Gamification, Social media and games (Jie Pang and Foresquare)
Castelle’s communication power theory (mass selfcommunication)
Mobile device as a cultural technology
Hypercoordination and Microcoordination
Perpetual Interaction and Apparatgeist
Text messaging as mobile media
Mobile use and contextual factors
Hackability/usability and the controlled/openness debate
Converged Device
The idea of mobile being a medium in itself
Domestication of technology
Business model: the long tail
Augmented reality
Smartphone as disruptive technology in amateur photography
Actor Network Theory
History of mobile communication
Mediated communication theories (e.g. Media Richness and Hyperpersonal)
Cellular technology
Difference between 1G, 2G and 3G or later networks
Mobile First