Criado por Evian Chai
mais de 4 anos atrás
What are the three steps of fatty acid synthesis?
How is acetyl CoA transported into the mitochondrial membrane?
How is acetyl CoA converted to Malonyl CoA?
What enzyme catalyses this?
What is this rxn stimulated by?
What is the rate limiting step of Fatty Acid Synthesis?
What are the two purposes of Malonyl CoA?
How is malonyl CoA converted to a fatty acid chain?
What type of reaction is this?
What enzyme is required?
Triacylglycerol (TAGs) are made of what?
What are the four sources of G3P for TAG synthesis?
Where in a lipoprotein are TAGs, cholesterol and esters located?
Where in a lipoprotein are apoproteins and cholesterol located? What else is in the layer?
Which of the TAGs are the largest, have the lowest density, and mainly come from dietary sources?
Where are chylomicrons formed?
What are packaged together to form one?
What is the role of Apoprotein B48?
What does a chylomicron pick up in the circulation?
When a chylomicron breaks down in the capillaries, what are the three components and where do they go?
What happens to glycerol after it is seperated from TAGs?
What happens to the fatty acids from TAGs?
What activates the lipolysis of TAGs? What enzyme is used?
Which lipoprotein mainly carries endogenous TAG from the liver?
Where is VLDL from and what are packaged together to form it?
What does VLDL pick up in the systemic circulation?
What does VLDL break down to in the capillaries?
What happens to IDL?
What is LDL made of and what happens to it?
How does LDL deliver cholesterol to peripheral tissues via the B100 receptor?
What does cholesterol normally do in the nuclues?
What can obstruct this process?
Which Chylomicron is a shuttle for apoproteins and delivers cholesterol from tissue to liver?
What converts Nascent HDL to HDL? What is required for this reaction?
How does HDL transport cholesterol from tissue to liver?
What are 3 genetic causes for elevated lipid levels (hypercholesterolaemia/hypertriglyceridaemia)?
What are three secondary causes of elevated lipid levels?
What is lipoprotein A?
What does it do?
It's levels are increased by what?
To prevent the synthesis of cholesterol, which enzyme must be inhibited?
What inhibits it?
What do the following do?