1. Which of the following is not a PR discipline?
a. Internal PR
b. Public affairs
c. Marketing PR
d. External PR
2. Which of the disciplines is not the responsibility of the staff members?
a. Marketing PR
c. Internal communication
d. Financial PR
3. why is awareness and image not important in the financial world?
a. Companies must prevent damage to their reputation
b. Companies with plans for a quotation on the stock exchange that have low awareness
c. Shareholders should be prepared to support a company morally
d. To be transparent for other companies
4. What is not a task in marketing PR?
a. Celebrating special events
b. Strong advertising campaign
c. Bonding with the target group
d. Introducing a new product or service
5. What is not an PR task?
a. Spreading out new about existing products
b. Ghost writing
c. Initiating viral marketing communication
d. Lobbying
6. What is not a criteria of a press release?
a. Persuasion
b. Originality
c. Interest
d. Topicality
7. What is established first in the PR plan?
a. PR objectives
b. establishing budget
c. selection of publics
d. PR strategy
8. Which of the following types of problem is NOT suited for PR?
a. a relationship does not bring about the expected results
b. it is impossible to achieve a positive relationship with another company
c. the behaviour shown by a brand does not lead to the expected respons
d. there’s not aimed at the right target group
9. Which of the following is not a task of PR?
a. to give the target group information about the objectives of a company
b. To try track the societal changes of pressure groups
c. chose the right target group
d. Try to anticipate with upcoming developments
10. What type of communication is more important?
a. Internal
b. External
c. Both equally important
d. Both are not important
11. What is not an objective of internal communication?
a. create an adequate communication structure
b. having good contact with the shareholders
c. to improve the internal image of the company
d. the develop individual communication skills
12. What is cohesion-orientated communication aimed at?
a. communication that has to do with human aspects
b. it Is orientated at information related to the totality of the organization
c. it is about the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of work.
d. All above answers are correct
13. What includes the external target groups?
a. shareholders
b. related companies
c. trade unions
d. all above answers are correct
14. As far as work methods are concerned, which other form of communication is PR largely similar to?
a. direct marketing
b. indirect marketing
c. it is not similar to one of the answers above
d. it is similar to both direct and indirect marketing
15. The result of communication, customer orientation, social responsibility and the quality of products is called:
a. Trade unions
b. Front office
c. Reputation management
d. External strategy
16. What do you call the closed part of a company?
a. Back office
b. The PR department
c. Lobby
d. Cafeteria
17. Why is internal branding important?
a. It will enhance the productivity
b. Target groups have direct contact with the employees
c. A critical journalist may be allowed a peek behind the scenes
d. For defending the interests of a company or brand
18. Which form of reputation management fits attraction, prestige and status?
a. Tactical-defensive
b. Strategic-defensive
c. Tactical-assertive
d. Strategic-assertive
19. To provide knowledge and insight to target groups is used in:
a. Reputation management
b. Information extension
c. Assertive management
d. Brand recognition
20. PR campaigns may be used to get important social and societal questions onto the public. Which form of information extension fits best?
a. Educational information extension
b. Informative information extension
c. Persuasive information extension
d. All of the above
e. Michiel is going to Shanghai. Lucky boy