40-year old man was admitted to the ED because of progressive worsening headache and drooping right eyelid for the last 6 hours. Over the last week he felt uneasy, with throbbing headache, vomited twice. On presentation he was alert, T-37,4°C, with normal vital signs, mild nuchal rigidity, right n. abducens palsy, the remainder of physical examination was without abnormalities. His CXR showed a right apical opacity and ipsilateral hilar lymphadenopathy.
Below are the results of the CSF examination and Gram stain:
Appearance - turbid
Cells- 159.10^6/l (90% neutrophils)
Protein- 1,2 g/l
Glucose- 1,5 mmol/l (blood glucose — 5,9 mmol/l)
Gram stain- no bacteria seen
Acid-fast stain- no bacteria seen
Cryptococcus antigen- negative
Culture- no bacterial growth
Myeobacteria PCR- genus negative/ M. tuberculosis complex negative
Mycobacteria culture- continuing
Do the results of microscopy rule out this diagnosis?
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