Criado por Evian Chai
mais de 4 anos atrás
What is the order of events to get DNA to protein?
What are codons?
How many codons?
How many ORFs per DNA sequence/strand?
What type of RNA is the structural component of ribosomes and the largest in size?
What type of RNA carries genetic information from DNA to the ribosome?
What type of RNA has a cloverleaf structure and transfers Amino acids from cytoplasm to the ribosome?
What is the structure of a tRNA?
What is the process of transcription?
What is the difference betwene transcription in eukaryotes and prokaryotes?
What is the Methyl Cap?
What is it for?
What is polyadenylation? What is it for?
What is spliced out during splicing?
By what?
What is translation?
What is on the small subunit of the ribosome? What about the large subunit?
How does the size differ between eukaryote and prokaryote?
What are polyribosomes?
How are tRNAs activated?
What occurs after this?
What is the process of initiation?
What occurs during elongation?
What occurs during termination?
How to antibiotics exploite the difference in prokaryote/eukaryote ribosomes to treat disease?
What in humans has 70s ribosome?