Criado por Suzanne Sutherland
quase 5 anos atrás
I am
you are (sing)
he, she, it is
we are
you are (pl)
they are
to be
I live
you live (sing)
he, she, it lives
we live
you live (pl)
they live
to live
I read
you read (sing)
he, she, it reads
we read
you read (pl)
they read
to read
I am called
you are called (sing)
he, she, it is called
we are called
you are called (pl)
they are called
to be called
I have
you have (sing)
he, she, it has
we have
you have (pl)
they have
to have
I understand
you understand (sing)
he, she, it understands
we understand
you understand (pl)
they understand
to understand
I play
you play (sing)
he, she, it plays
we play
you play (pl)
they play
to play