Criado por Evian Chai
mais de 4 anos atrás
What type of respiratory epithelium lines Respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi, and larger bronchioles?
What cells are in the respiratory epithelium other than columnar ciliated cells?
What is the muco-cillary escalator?
Trachea epithelium type
Primary bronchus epithelium type
Tertiary Bronchus epithelium type
How far down the respiratory tract until theres no more cartilage?
Bronchioles epithelium type
Terminal/respiratory bronchioles epithelium type
When alveolar macrophages remove inhaled particles, where do they go?
Alveolar pores do what?
Alveolar elastin does what?
Anatomical vs. Physiological vs alveolar dead space
Pulmonary arteries carry ... to lungs
... until transition of bronchi/bronchioles
... at bronchioles
Bronchial arteries carry .... to lungs+pleura
Branches of ....
... type of artery
Alveolar capillaries drain into ...
Bronchial arteries drain into...
Fluid from alveoli drains into