What does blu-ray do?
Store more data but not in HD
Store more data and HD
Store less data but HD
Store less data and not HD
What does HD stand for?
High Definition
High Depiction
Heavy Depiction
Heavy definition
'DVD stores more that Blu-Ray'
Why are smartphones better than standard phones? Tick all correct answers.
Better for gaming
Easier to get applications such as facebook
Generaly more reliable
'You can copy anyone's ideas and inventions no matter what'
What is the law that is associated with the previous question?
the copyright ideas and patents act
the copyright designs and works act
the copyright ideas and works act
the copyright designs and patents act
What are the advantages of online shopping? Tick all correct answers.
Goods arrive instantly
No security concerns
Generally cheaper goods
What is phishing?
Sending emails pretending to be companies and asking for private details
Sending emails pretending to be companies asking to meet up
Sending emails and pretending to be younger than you are
Forging an identity