Criado por Shausutton
quase 10 anos atrás
IB HL Paper 3
Qualitative Research Methods
What is quantitative data?
What is qualitative data?
IB HL Paper 3
Qualitative Research Methods
What are qualitative researchers concerned with and who/where do they usually research?
What are the strengths of qualitative data?
What are the limitations of qualitative data?
IB HL Paper 3
Qualitative Research Methods
What debate is there surrounding qualitative data?
What are the three types of generalisation?
What is Representational Generalisation?
What is Inferential Generalisation?
What is Theoretical Generalisation?
IB HL Paper 3
Qualitative Research Methods
What usual ethics apply still?
Why is Protecting Pps from Harm a specific ethical issue related to qualitative research?
How can this be avoided?
Why is Anonymity and Confidentiality a specific ethical issue related to qualitative research?
IB HL Paper 3
Qualitative Research Methods
Summary, advantages & disadvantages of Random Sampling.
Summary, advantages & disadvantages of Stratified Sampling.
Summary, advantages & disadvantages of Opportunity/Convenience Sampling.
Summary, advantages & disadvantages of Self-Selected Sampling.
Summary, advantages & disadvantages of Snowball Sampling.
Summary, advantages & disadvantages of Purposive Sampling.
Summary, advantages & disadvantages of Cluster Sampling.
Summary, advantages & disadvantages of Quota Sampling.
IB HL Paper 3
Qualitative Research Methods
What is reflexivity based on?
What are the two types of reflexivity?
What is Personal Reflexivity?
What is Epistemiological Reflexivity?
What is the importance of reflexivity to psychologists?