Edward Anaya
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

You can find the study materials on TEA or find the URL below. Here is the URL: https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/The%20Teacher%20Knowledge%20of%20Early%20Literacy%20Skills%20survey.pdf

Edward Anaya
Criado por Edward Anaya mais de 4 anos atrás

TEA Teacher Knowledge Skills Survey Form A

Questão 1 de 31


What does morphemic analysis help students do?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • identify letter-sound correspondence

  • blend speech sounds

  • examine words for meaningful parts

  • separate syllables into onset and rimes


Questão 2 de 31


How many phonemes are in the word box?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


Questão 3 de 31


What is a requirement of a syllable?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • it contains at least one consonant letter

  • it contains no more than one vowel letter

  • it be a pronounceable unit

  • it contains no more than one phoneme


Questão 4 de 31


What is vocabulary instruction in the primary grades most concerned with teaching students?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • highly frequent words

  • base words and meaningful parts (e.g., prefix, suffixes)

  • decodable words

  • word meanings


Questão 5 de 31


Which of the following is NOT an irregular, high frequency word?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • when

  • does

  • were

  • said


Questão 6 de 31


If "tife" is a word, the letter "i" would probably sound like the "i" in which word?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • if

  • beautiful

  • find

  • ceiling


Questão 7 de 31


How should writing lessons be explicitly taught?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • by explaining and modeling a task, skill, or strategy, and providing feedback while students write

  • by engaging students in correcting sample sentences on a daily basis

  • by explaining a task, skill, or strategy, and giving students an opportunity to practice

  • by engaging students in shared or interactive writing


Questão 8 de 31


Which of the following sets of words would be best for a teacher to use when providing students with examples of words conforming to the "silent e" phonics generalization?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • time, make, cube, done

  • lake, breathe, raise, fate

  • brake, use, hope, shine

  • tree, lie, blue, toe


Questão 9 de 31


As a teacher reads aloud to his students from a social studies text he comments aloud, "This word pioneer is in bold print so that means it is an important word," and "the chapter headings in the book can help me understand therein ideas in the book, so I will be sure to read them." The teacher is helping students improve their comprehension of informational text primarily how?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • teaching them how to use graphic organizers

  • modeling attention to useful features of informational text

  • improving students' recall of the details of the text

  • teaching them how to infer word meaning from context


Questão 10 de 31


Two or three times each week Mrs. Hruby teaches "phonics through spelling" with her students. She pronounces words sound-by-sound as her students listen, write the appropriate letters, and then blend the letters to identify the words. Why is this activity likely to be effective?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • reinforces students' recognition of common spelling patterns

  • requires students to use letter-sound relationships to blend unfamiliar words

  • reviews and strengthens students' ability to recognize and blend word chunks

  • prepares students to combine letter-sound relationships with meaning-based clues


Questão 11 de 31


Why are there two n's in "running"?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • because the base word ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel

  • because the final consonant is always doubled when adding -ing

  • because the letter u has many different pronunciations

  • because the consonant n is not well articulated


Questão 12 de 31


Mr. Lewis' class has been learning spelling rules for adding "ing" to base words. He is looking for groups of words that illustrate the various rules to give students a complex challenge. Which of the following groups of words would be best for this purpose?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • hopping, running, sending, getting

  • hoping, buying, caring, baking

  • seeing, letting, liking, carrying

  • all of the word sets are useful for this purpose


Questão 13 de 31


Mrs. Card wants to help her students become good spellers. Which activity should Ms. Card do?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • pronounce a word and have students write each sound

  • display letter cards and have students pronounce the sounds

  • say each sound of a word and have students say the word

  • ask students whether pairs of spoken words rhyme


Questão 14 de 31


Why is metacognition important in reading comprehension?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • it helps students to monitor their own comprehension

  • it makes the teacher aware of when the students are experiencing difficulty during reading

  • it prompts students to create mental images

  • it causes automatic processing of the text so that students can make meaning of the text


Questão 15 de 31


Teachers often read texts aloud as students follow along before the students try to read the text themselves. Which of the following is the best reason why teachers might do this?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • to teach comprehension strategies directly

  • to model their expert decoding skills to students

  • it prompts students to create mental images

  • it causes automatic processing of the text so that students can make meaning of the text


Questão 16 de 31


What is a reading method that focuses on teaching the application of phonemes to letters called?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • phonics

  • phonemics

  • orthography

  • phonetics


Questão 17 de 31


What would the open syllable of the nonsense word "botem" most likely rhyme with?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • coat

  • hot

  • rah

  • low


Questão 18 de 31


After reading a story, what should the discussion focus on in order to maximize comprehension?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • sequencing the events of the story

  • the most important parts of the story

  • the details of the story

  • the characters in the story


Questão 19 de 31


Which of the following is an example of reading comprehension instruction that helps to promote active construction of meaning?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • independent silent reading

  • doing a think aloud

  • sounding out difficult words

  • looking up words in a dictionary


Questão 20 de 31


What is the most important reason that oral segmentation and oral blending activities should be a part of reading instruction in the primary grades?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • strengthen students' fluency development through oral practice

  • help students hear and identify short and long vowel sounds

  • allow students to hear the mistakes of other students

  • give students practice with skills they will use in silent reading


Questão 21 de 31


Which word(s) is/are phonetically irregular?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • done

  • give

  • peach

  • a & b


Questão 22 de 31


Following her lesson on recognizing diphthongs in words, Mrs. Byrnes wants to provide her students with additional practice. Which type of text should she select to prove the best practice?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • predictable text with repetitious phrases

  • authentic text from children's literature

  • text with a high percentage of selected decodable words

  • none of the above


Questão 23 de 31


Mr. Kubota teachers his grade 3 students to decode unfamiliar words by breaking words into parts such as word root, prefix, and/or suffix (e.g., un-imagine-able). Which skill is he teaching?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • structural analysis

  • analyze the meaning of the word parts

  • syllabication

  • chunking the word


Questão 24 de 31


What is the difference between sight words and vocabulary words?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • sight words are learned through decoding and vocabulary words are not

  • sight words are learned on sight and vocabulary words are learned by decoding

  • sight words are related to recognition and vocabulary words are related to meaning

  • none of the above


Questão 25 de 31


A teacher assigns pairs of students to reread a text aloud to each other three times. What skill will this activity strengthen most effectively?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • choral reading

  • text comprehension

  • fluency development

  • automatic word recognition


Questão 26 de 31


How many morphemes are in the word "unhappiness"?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5


Questão 27 de 31


Which phonemic awareness activity would be most difficult for a student?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • blending phonemes into real words

  • blending onset-rime units into real words

  • deleting a phoneme and saying the word that remains

  • none of the above


Questão 28 de 31


Mrs. Newswander begins a writing lesson by creating with the students a web that contains the word "said," surrounded by words like shouted, sulked, and replied. She did this to teach students:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • prewriting

  • drafting

  • revising

  • editing


Questão 29 de 31


Decoding skills will benefit a student's understanding of text only if the words he or she decodes are what?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • recognized at sight

  • encountered several times

  • included in the student's oral vocabulary

  • also defined by context clues


Questão 30 de 31


Which of the following is a nonsense word that does not follow English spelling patterns?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • shease

  • toyn

  • squive

  • clow


Questão 31 de 31


What can sentence combining help students learn to do?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • question the text

  • correct grammatical errors

  • form complex sentence structures

  • analyze word structure
