Criado por milicevic.marija
mais de 9 anos atrás
What is the structure of a leaf?
Define transpiration
Name of plants adapted to grow in dry habitats
How do plants increase absorption area?
Name the three ways ions move
Name mineral ions that plants absorb
What do root hair cells contain in their plasma membrane?
What can sometimes limit rate of absorption of mineral ions?
How do ions enter roots?
Outline the differences between dicotyledons and monocotyledons
Function and distribution of upper epidermis
Function and distribution of palisade mesophyll
Function and distribution of spongy mesophyll
Function and distribution of vascular tissue
What are stem organs?
What are stem tubers?
What are bulbs?
What are succulents
What are tendrils?
What is a meristem?
What are meristematic cells?
What type of meristem do dicotelydons have?
What is phototropism?
What are auxins?
Explain role of auxins
What is pollination?
What is fertilisation?
What is seed dispersal?
Draw and label diagram of dicotyledonous seed
What are conditions needed for germination of a typical seed?
3 ways of which terrestrial plants support themselves
What do guard cells regulate?
Which plant hormone causes closing of stomata?
What are the abiotic factors?
How does light/temp affect rate of transpiration?
How does wind/humidity affect rate of transpiration?
Outline 4 adaptions of xerophytes
Outline the role of phloem
Describe the metabolic process during germination of starchy seed
What are two forms of phytochrome?
How is flowering controlled in long-day and short-day plants?
including phytochrome
How does water uptake occur through root system?
Explain process of mineral ion absorption from the soil into roots by active transport
What is cohesion?
What is adhesion?
How is water carried by transpiration stream?
Part 1
Part 2
Draw a diagram of stem and leaf tissue