Jess Murphy
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Basic arguments from direct realism

Jess Murphy
Criado por Jess Murphy mais de 9 anos atrás

Direct Realism

Questão 1 de 6


What is direct realism?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The theory that we see the world around us as it truly is

  • The theory that we can see objects

  • The theory that we are connected with objects

  • The theory that we only perceive a representation of objects


Questão 2 de 6


What is the argument for perceptual variation?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Our perception doesn't ever vary

  • Our perception is not always the same as what exists

  • Our bodies change what we perceive

  • We can change what we perceive


Questão 3 de 6


What philosopher gave the table example for perceptual variation?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Locke

  • Hume

  • Berkeley

  • Liebniz

  • Aristotle

  • Russell

  • Plato

  • Descartes


Questão 4 de 6


What is the argument from illusion?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • How do we know can we directly perceive if what is exists can be different to our minds

  • If we can have illusions then we directly perceive what is not real as well

  • Our whole perception experience could just be an illusion

  • If we were perceiving the world then we wouldn't be able to have perceptions


Questão 5 de 6


What is the argument from hallucination?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Hallucinations mean that we cannot directly perceive the world because we directly perceive them

  • We directly perceive everything, including hallucinations

  • We could just be hallucinating everything so we wouldn't be directly perceiving

  • We can also perceive what is in our mind, so how can we know an external world exists


Questão 6 de 6


In the time lag argument there is an 8 minute delay. This disproves direct realism as..

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The 8 minute delay is the time it takes to process the information, so we cannot be directly perceiving

  • Everything we perceive has already happened, so we cant be directly perceiving it

  • The 8 minute delay is how long it takes for sense data to travel from object of perception to perceiver

  • We cant perceive something that has already happened
