What was the trial faced by Bani Israel in Ayah #49?
Fir'awn was killing their sons and sparing their women
parting the sea
The calf
Who did Allah sent Musa (AS) to?
People Of bani Israel
All the muslims
The christians
What was the scripture given to Musa (AS)?
Whom did Bani israel worship,after Musa(AS) left to mount tur?
What did Bani israel demand to Musa(AS) in order to believe in him?From Ayah 55
They want to see AllahSWA openly
They want some money
They want food.
How did AllahSWA protect them in hot desert?From Ayah 57
Shaded them with the clouds
Gave them Umberella
Grow Trees
What were they asked to say while entering jerusalum? حِطَّةٌ
What food did AllahSWA sent them to Eat? الْمَنَّ وَالسَّلْوَى
what did they change the word حِطَّةٌwith?
Hintah(the grain seed)
How did fira'wn die?
By drowning in the sea
By enjoying
By eating