إِنَّمَا يَأْمُرُكُم بِالسُّوءِ وَالْفَحْشَاءِ Shaitan orders us to ________________. (based on above ayah)
Do Evil Deeds
Get involved in Vulgarity
Do Kufr
Be Lazy
Ignore Parents
Who fabricates/lies about Allahﷻ?
The ones who don't believe in Allah
The ones who are weak in their Imaan
The ones who are Hyprocrites
The ones who are disable
Those who are mentally sick
Shaitan doesn't want us to see the Reality.
Why don't we leave our bad habits and deeds?
Shaitan makes them look beautiful
Shaitan forces us not to leave them
Because they are our habits
Because we are evil in nature
How are we tested in life? (Select all that apply)
When we are given a blessing
When something is taken away from us
When we go for Hajj
When we doubt the existence of Heaven and Hell
When we take the exams