Criado por alice_parker
quase 10 anos atrás
Definition of isolationism
Who was the president of the USA at the end of World War One?
What three dates were the immigration quota acts introduced?
What is the name of the immigration quota act passed in 1924?
Name the two Italian immigrants put on trial for murder?
What was the 18th amendment?
Name 3 causes on the economic boom
Definition of mass production
What famous event took place on 14th February 1929?
What was the name of the illegal drinking clubs?
Give two reasons why prohibition failed?
Who was public enemy number 1?
When was the Wall Street crash?
Who was the president of the USA at the time of the Wall Street crash?
What were the two main political parties in the USA during the 1920s/1930s
What does WASPs stand for?
What does Laissez faire mean?
describe the key features of a flapper
What dies the initials KKK stand for?
What is lynching?